Chapter 32

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3 years later...

"Vinny!" I yell.

The little rascal runs butt naked out of the room followed by mischievous giggles. She was up to something, I just know it.

"Violetta, catch the gremlin and bring her here!" I yell from the room.

I continue dressing up Evelyn and tie up her shoes. She looked absolutely adorable in her little dress and blue hairband. Her hair was up in two pigtails making her look even more adorable.

"My sweet peapod." I say in a small voice as I place a kiss on both her cheeks. She happily laughs with my remark, revealing her two bottom teeth.

I'll say it again, adorable.

As if on cue, Violetta returns with Vinnesa.

But, I burst out laughing when I looked at the state they were in.

Violetta's face was white with baby powder and her hair dishevelled. She held Vinnesa as if she was carrying a sack of potatoes. Vinnesa on the other hand, held a bottle of baby powder in her hands with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"As I've said before, Vinny is a mini version of you."

"Yup, definetely a mini version of me... but worse." She replies groggily. I guess she was sleeping when the rascal decided to do what she did.

Violetta places Vinnesa on the bed and starts putting on her diaper. She then proceeds to dress in the same dress as I did with Evelyn. Luckily, Vinessa was distracted with the hair brush so there wasn't any trouble getting her ready.

Both Vinny and Eve were born as intersex. The both of them mostly resembles Violetta, the only difference is when it come to genes are their eye colour wich they inherited from me. They both have the dark hair similar to Violetta's, even the beauty mark. But, Vinny has a beauty mark on her chin whilst Eve has one under her right eye. It's easier to tell who is who, but their behaviour is also another hint.

Eve is more like me. Calm and collected, but I will admit, she does have her times where she'll start throwing tantrums. She's also quite needy and would sometimes help Vinny when she was up to something.

Vinny on the other hand, is mischievous. You'll leave her alone for a bit, and when you return she'd be gone. The weird thing about it is, is that she's so damn fast. She can barely walk yet!

"What time is dad coming to pick them up?" Violetta questions as she takes the brush from Vinny.

"He'll be here in a couple minutes I think." I reply.

"Up! Up!" Evelyn yells at me, opening and closing her hands as a gesture for me to pick her up.

I pick her up and hoist her on my hip, her little feet swinging on my sides as she starts fumbling with my shirt.

"I'll be downstairs." I tell Violetta as I make my way out of the room and head to the living area.

Luckily, I already packed the twins clothes for the weekend where they will be spending time at my in-laws.

A year or so ago Violetta's parents got remmaried with each other. Why did they divorce in the first place? I have absolutely no idea...

Her dad suddenly announced the news to us one day on the phone and that he wasn't going to hold anything extravagant. Of course, I was suprised but Violetta said she was expecting something like this to happen. Apparently, her parents called each other more and spent more time talking for hours with one another.

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