Chapter 15

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I left Violetta's early. I was reluctant on leaving but when I heard the way her dad scolded her on the other side of the phone, I instantly changed my mind.

Violetta tried convincing me to stay, but when she said that they "just needed" her at work, it gave me a better reason to leave.

I was mad at her and myself.

Yes, it was nice of her to try and spend more time with me. But putting your job at risk all for the sake of having goody times? Definetley no.

Secondly, I was mad at myself because I was so infatuated with Violetta and forgot that she too had a life, that being her job.

The past day I spent with her was amazing. Hell, amazing wasn't even the word to describe how I felt.

When I arrived home, I showered and changed into my own clothes. I then phoned Violetta for a little talk. After that, I messaged Cindy to know if she was free for the day.

The thing is, I'll be home for the next couple weeks. Reason for this was of course the holiday Cameron and I was supposed to go on. I had no work to do either and I didn't feel like staying home while waiting for Cameron's return. Spending time with Violetta was limited to, she had things to do.

The last time I talked to Cameron I went all out on him. I made sure to let him know exactly how I felt. It resulted to him not contacting me and vice versa. I personally didn't mind to be honest, it was better in my opinion. Partly because I felt that if I have to, I'd be reminded about the guilt that I somehow managed to hide in the back of my mind. I didn't want to think about it no less facing it head on. Either way, I don't believe Cameron would notice any difference in my behaviour. He believes that I simply needed some time for myself without contacting him due to his sudden business trip and my outburst.

You can come over, Jerome is hanging out with the boys for the day:)

After I read Cindy's text, I did my final touches. I put my hair in a bun and wore a pair of black sneakers. I was wearing a black pair of leggings and an oversized T-shirt.

After that, I was out by the door and off to Cindy's.

On my way to hers I couldn't help but get this unsettling feeling that something was going to happen. Was it something good? Or bad? I was anxious.

I tried not let it get in the way and played some music for the rest of the car ride.


"Anneline!" Cindy chirped as she threw her arms around me for a hug.

"Hey, sorry for the intrusion." I reply as I return her embrace.

I follow her inside and make myself comfortable in the living room and seat myself on one of the three couches. Cindy waddled of to the kitchen and returns with a glass of juice and a plate filled with biscuits placed on a tray.

Cindy was in her usual homely attire. A grey yoga pants and one of Jeromes sweaters. Her hair was in two french braids that neatly rested on her shoulders.

"So, how are you?" She asked as she placed the tray down on the coffee table and plopped herself down next to me.

"I'm doing good I guess. How about you?" I question back.

"Couldn't be any better. I will say though, I was surprised when I saw your message. What happend exactly? Weren't you supposed to be on the beach admiring the view right now?" She inquired with a smirk.

"Well when you dropped me off at home, Cameron rushed out saying he needed to leave for a bussines trip..." I trail off.

Cindy's eyebrows was furrowed and her face plastered with confusion.

The Dirty AffairOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora