Chapter 8

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When I got home, I stood in front of the door mentally preparing myself to go in. I hyped myself up a bit and pulled my jacket even tighter around me.

With one big, almost relieving sigh, I finally jammed the key in the door and opened it. As I entered, I heard the TV playing followed by Cameron's footsteps descending from the living room. I pulled the jacket around me once more and placed my keys on the nearby table. Not long after, Cameron comes in to view.

"Evening hun." I greet him with my most convincing smile.

"Tsk, 'evening hun', you had me worried you know," He said in a sad voice, "How was the date with your new friend?" He asked as he kissed me on my forehead.


A word I thought I'd never despise. It sounded so unfamiliar and wrong with Violetta.

Do friends make out?

Do they kiss?

Do they get all touchy feely with each other?

Of course not.

In a sense I guess I was trying to convince myself that what me and Violetta did, was what 'friends' normally do.

"You mean Violetta? Well, it was quite nice. She probably beats me when it comes to cooking though," I fretted,"it kinda makes me jealous."

A low chuckle escaped from his throat by my remark. "I'm sure she isn't that good. Maybe if you get to know her better you can invite her over for dinner as well. Maybe then you'll see who's better."

I forced out a little laugh, hoping that it didn't sound strained. I kissed Cameron on the cheek and made my way to our bedroom. I quickly picked out a hoodie, sweatpants and a pair of undies. I rushed to the bathroom and immediately locked the door behind me. Another sigh escaping, this time actually being a relieving one.

I placed my fresh clothes on the bathroom counter and took of the ones I was wearing.

I then looked up in the mirror, a small suprised yelp escaping from me. I quickly put both my hands over my mouth and looking at the door, I internally prayed that Cameron didn't hear anything.

A few seconds later I glance back at the mirror and looked along my collarbone.

Hickeys, love bites if you may.

I ran my fingers along the purple and pink bruised skin. I pressed down on them, they turned white with the pressure but immediately turned back to the purplish colour when I released said pressure.

I'd have to wear thick clothes to cover these.

How long will these bruises take to fade away? A day? A week? Or maybe even more?

I got in the shower with a sigh and turned up the water, a gurgling sound escaping the pipes. I waited for the water to heat up to my preffered temperature and stood directly under it. I felt my hair getting soaked and ran my fingers through it to style it back. The bruised skin slightly tingled with the water making contact.

My mind warped back to Violetta and replayed what had happend after my phone rung.

During our heated make out session, that would most likely turned out to be more than just kissing and touching, my phone rung. Both of us were upset but Violetta was more angry then me. The scowl plastered on her face seemed to prove it back then. We both sat up, her standing up fully and leaning on the railing of the balcony.

When I saw that Cameron's name was shining on the screen, I internally cringed and felt the guilt setting in. I took one big gulp of air before answering. I looked at Violetta and saw that she was averting my gaze by looking up at the sky.

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