Chapter 24

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"So, will she be coming over?" My mom asked with a wide smile.

"I think so." I reply as I seat myself on the couch.

Mom placed her book down on the coffee table and set her eyes on me.

"Is something wrong?" I question.

"No, nothing to be concerned about. It's just, you seem rather different. In a good way of course." She answered.

"Different?" I hinted.

"I don't how to put it, but, you seem happier? It's like eversince you met Violetta, you seem more expressive. I'm not saying you didn't love Cameron or any of the sorts, but as your mother I tend to notice certain things." She says.

I chuckle with her remark and shuffle next to her. I take her hand in my palm and fiddle with her ring.

"To be honest, Violetta does make me feel emotions I never even knew existed. I think it started when I first layed my eyes on her, back then I just didn't want to admit it. I felt guilty for feeling the way I felt towards her. Cameron would always pop up, yet, when I simply spent time with her, it's like he never even existed." I reply.

"I'll admit, both you and Cameron were wrong. But, he still had the option of ending it off before he married you. The two of you have barely experienced married life, a mere two years..."

It's true.

To think, we had big plans for our life. Buy a house, have kids, get a dog or maybe a even a cat. Everything was laid out and we just needed to work our way through it. We would've lived the typical happy family life.

But of course, that didn't work out. It had me wondering how long has Cameron been decieving me. Months? Years? Has he been a cheating prick since the day he took my hand in marriage or maybe whilst we were still in the dating faze? The mere fact that he had a kid proves that it's not something that recently started.

Everything could've been avoided.

But in a sense, I'm happy it worked out this way. If not, I don't how I would've met Violetta.

I snap out of my thoughts as I hear the doorbell.

Mom gives a small smile as I rush to the door.

I opened the door expecting Violetta to be there in one of her classy suits.

But that wasn't the case.


My mood instantly drops as my hand does from the door handle.

A look of shame, a look of utter shame was plastered on his face. He looked tired, it was as if he hadn't slept in days because of the dark circles under his eyes. He looked haggered as well. His usually well kept hair was now in every possible direction. The clothes he wore that were always neatly ironed, were now creased and stained. It was as if he ran a damn marathon. Lastly, he seemed skinnier compared to a couple weeks ago.

"Anneline?" My mom perks up with a questioning tone.

As soon as she saw Cameron at the door, her face drops from a smile to a scowl.

"Can I come in?" He mumbles, looking down at his feet.

I give my mom a nod as I step away from the door for Cameron to pass. My mom glares at him before she makes her way to the kitchen.

I glance at Cameron, who was still looking down at his feet.

What the hell happend to him?

Why does he look so damn miserable?

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