Chapter 6

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The next three days went by in a flash. When I opened my eyes, it was already Wednesday. Cameron and I were over our quarrel and continued our day-to-day lives. Work was getting less, the month ending in a week from now indicating our little honeymoon being near.

"So, you looking forward to your little holiday?" Cindy chirped.

We were sitting outside for our lunch break, Cindy using it as a chance to light a ciggarette.

"Why wouldn't I be? I mean, we've been planning this for a while now." I replied.

"So you two finally going to have a mini you huh? How nice." She acknowledged, with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Who said anything about having a kid?!" I yelled with suprise. I felt my cheeks heating up with her remark.

Don't get me wrong, of course I'd like to have a kid. Cameron and I had the whole baby talk but we both agreed on having a child at a later stage. I mean, we've only been married for two years and I honestly don't want to rush things. There's a bunch of other thing's I'd like to do...and that just doesn't involve a child at the moment.

"We had the whole baby talk and agreed that the time isn't right."

Cindy looked at me with a raised eyebrow and scanning my face as if I was some newly discovered specie.

"Jesus, you used to fawn over wanting a child so bad when I first got to know you. Hearing you now...are you really Anneline Barker?" She asked with squinted eyes.

"We still have other things planned and having a child now will only put those things on hold. And I mean, I still wanna see if I'm fit on taking the whole mother role as well." I grumbled.

Being a mother is a big responsibility but also a blessing in itself. Apart from the giving birth part, you'd also have someone else life in your hands. Having to raise them, be there in their time of need and supporting their dreams, hopes, and goals. Of course, I'd only start to think like that when my then child turns to a teen. I talked to my mother about it and she told me that my dad and her didn't have much trouble raising me. I was a quiet and well spoken kid and I wasn't exactly rebellious either so in a sense I get why my mom would say that.

"You'll be a good mom. Better than me to be quite frank. Not that I have a kid, but I do watch my niece and nephews every now and then and my patience for them...let's just say it's as thin as thread." She said as she puffed out some smoke.

"I wonder how you'd be-"

I was cut off by my phone's ringing. I picked it up and saw that it was Violetta. I quickly swiped right and placed the phone to my ear.

"Violetta, hi." I say.

Cindy looks at me with a raised eyebrow, placing her ciggarette bud on the ashtray.

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm doing well and yourself?" I asked.

"I'm great, just stacked with work. I was wondering, are you free this Saturday?"

"Yeah, I don't have anything planned."

"Well, uhm, would it be okay if we hangout at mine? I mean it's totally fine if you-"

"No, it's totally fine! Just send me the address and I'll be there."

"Great, see you Saturday?"

"Sure, see you then."

I put my phone down and saw that Cindy was looking at me weirdly.

"What?" I questioned, imitating her expression.

"Violetta? The one who helped you that night?"

"Yeah, what about her?"

"She just gives off this weird vibe. She 'saved' you, you gave your thanks and now she wants to hangout with you? I don't know, it just seems weird. It's already weird how you two met." She pondered.

"Cindy, you haven't even met her." I said emphasizing the 'you' part. "And I don't think she's weird, if she was she wouldn't have been my knight in shining armour that evening. Also, I'd like to get to know her better. She seems nice."

"What'd she want anyways?"

"She wants us to hangout at hers this coming Saturday."

"... Well, you are a social butterfly so I'm not even suprised."

I just scoffed off Cindy's remark and finished my sandwich.

After our lunch break, we went back to work. I didn't have much to do so I was free to leave early. Cindy on the other hand was marketing manager, so she had much more work and would most likely leave late at night. I got home and took a quick shower to feel refreshed. Cameron returned home a little later. I made us dinner and we spent time cuddling after eating and then headed to bed.

Thursday and Friday also flew by with the same little routine. Get home from work, shower, make dinner, spend time with Cameron and then head to bed.

When Saturday came by, I got up early and cleaned the house a bit. Cameron said he'd be visiting his mom for the day because she's been pestering him to visit. He mentioned that she'd be upset that I wouldn't be able to make it but said that he'd cover for me. Violetta and I agreed that I'll be there by 6pm.

For the next couple hours I lazed around the house before I started to get ready. I decided to wear a denim ripped jeans, a white shirt and topped it off a with a leather jacket. I let my hair loose and put on a pair of white sneakers.

I texted Violetta that I'd be there in a few before heading out the door.

On my way to her, I felt a little nervous. Why? I'm not so sure. Whenever I think of Violetta my mind tends to do backflips. Like when I first laid eyes on her, I thought she was the most attractive women I've ever seen. Of course, I can't remember much about the night she took me home seeing as though I was in a drunken state.

Mentally, I just hoped I haven't done anything embarrassing in front of her either. But, she also didn't mention anything of the sorts the time we went to the café, so I assumed it was out of the question. Wich also brings me back to when she insisted on taking me home. When I got out the car she had a look of concern and worry but shoved it off and simply said "see you soon". I didn't think much of it, but now that I'm on my way to her, my mind is warped up with her and her alone. And remembering that look she had, it just got me questioning why.

I stopped at a convenience store and  bought a bottle of red wine. I wasn't sure if Violetta was keen on sweet things and decided to buy a box of dark chocolate.

A little drive later, I stopped in front of her house. I took a deep breath before I got out the car with my gifts.

I stood in front of a huge brown mahogany door with small casement windows on the side. I took one last breath before knocking.

A little bit later it opened revealing Violetta.

"Anneline, glad you could make it." she said with a smile that reached her eyes.

A/N: any tips on improving my writing would really be helpful...-.-

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