Chapter 22

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I woke up with the aroma of food and clinks that could be heard from the kitchen. Was Violetta making something?

If so, I doubt I'll be able to sustain myself from licking my bowl or plate clean. Whatever she's making smells absolutely devine!

My mind drifted of to earlier as I stared up at the ceiling. What Violetta had told me, I was a bit shocked to be honest. But, it saddened me to see such a worried expression on her face.

What exactly was she thinking at that moment?

Well whatever it was, I hope she overcame it....

As I was about to get up, I hear the bedroom door open.

"Morning sunshine." Violetta greets me with a smile.

"Morning my ass, what time is it now?" I ask as I stretch.

She looks at her phone and slighty

"Let's just say it's time for dinner." She replies.

So I've slept, had sex, then slept again? That's what I've been doing the whole day?!

"Shit." I grumbled.

Violetta strides over and sits down on the edge of the bed. I drape the duvet around my body and make myself comfortable on her lap as she wraps her arms around my waist. She places a kiss on my forehead and hoists me up in bridal style.

"You hungry?" She questions.

"Mhm." I reply.

She carries me to the kitchen and places me down on the counter. She walks over to the microwave and takes out a bowl.

"I present to you, my mom's all time favourite, chicken curry. You didn't have all the ingredients but I made it work." She says as she places the bowl in my hands with a spoon.

Violetta makes herself comfortable between my legs as I take a spoonful of some of the curry.

"Judging by your expression, I'm assuming you like it." She inclines with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, no, you should definetley open a restaurant." I admitted as I took another bite.

She simply places a kiss on my cheek with a chuckle and makes her way to the sink.

"By the way, Cameron phoned earlier." She says monotonely.

I couldn't see her expression and her voice didn't hold any emotion.

"And? What'd he say?" I asked.

"Well, when I answered your phone he expected it to be you and started asking why you didn't pick up." She stated as she placed the washed dishes on the rack.

"So, you could imagine how pissed he was when he heard it was me, not that I care to be honest."

I place my bowl down and walk over to Violetta.


She stopped talking as I hugged her from behind.

"You're such a worrywart." I express.

I heard release a little sigh as she placed a spoon on the rack.

"Sorry, I guess that phone call stirred me up a bit."

"Don't apologize. Just give it some time and everything will turn out for the best."

She dries her hands and turns around. Violetta places a kiss on my forehead with a small smile.


For the next three weeks Violetta and I spent time together without any interruptions. We spent time at the café, went to an aquarium wich for some reason Violetta calls it a liquid zoo. Wich is technically true considering it's animals that live in...liquid. We bickered about what the actual name was and just decided on her opinion. She managed to convince me to refer to it as 'liquid zoo'. How? I have no idea...

The two of us decided to head to the beach as well, wich by the way we did the total opposite of swimming and frolicking in the water. I wouldn't exactly call it an opposite but both of us got turned on by each others swimwear and hired a room at the nearest hotel...we fucked like rabbits the entire evening.

All in all, we did a bunch of other things and enjoyed quality time with one another. I got a phone call from my mom saying that I should visit and that Cameron has been phoning her non-stop. Apparently, he told her that I was mad at him and even though he apologized numerous times I couldn't find it in my heart to forgive him.

Wich of course is a total lie!

Now that he can't get in touch with me he decides to drag my mother into this?!

Of course when I heard that, I totally went rampage. I didn't bother calling Cameron and confronting him about it either. With me going absolutely berserk and losing my marbles, I made a decison on impulse.

I was going to introduce Violetta and tell them about Cameron's shit and that I plan on divorcing him.

But before I could introduce Violetta, I still needed to talk to my parents with a heart to heart conversation. I can't exactly just show up with my lover while I'm still a cheating bastard at that. Not that I'm a saint in this whole situation either.

I will admit though, I do miss my parents. I guess they thought that me and Cameron went on our so called vacation.

"Agh" I groan.

Currently we were at Violetta's. Thing is, I'll be staying here for some time and will be commuting to work from hers. I asked her about it and it was as if her eyes sparkled with some kind of hope. But as soon as I mentioned I'll pay her every month, her face turned to one of disgust.

"The hell are you?A stranger or my lover?" Were her words.

I mean, I don't want to live at hers without contribution! That's just wrong!

"I swear, if you're still thinking about paying me or any of the sorts, I'm fucking you senseless." She said as she places a cup of hot chocolate on the coffee table.

"Is that supposed to be a threat? If so, I wouldn't mind." I reply with a wink.

"You know, you've become quite....
what's the word?" She questions.

"Cheeky?" I incline.

"Yes. Cheeky." She replies and plops down next to me. She places her feet on the table as I lay my head on her shoulder. We were currently in the living room scrolling through Netflix on a hunt for what to watch.

"You worried about seeing your mom tommorow?" She asks.

"No, I'm more worried about how I'm going to tell her about everything. She'll probably end up crying, and my dad would most likely lose his shit towards Cameron. But then again, I was in the wrong as well."

"Don't worry about it, I'll be there with you every step of the way." She replies and places a kiss on my forehead.

"I know you will."

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