Chapter 26

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"You know, they weren't kidding when they said love makes you do crazy things or whatever the fuck the saying is." Bentley says as he stares at the sky, taking a long sip from the glass bottle.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask as I take a sip from my glass.

"I'm reffering to you, you idiot!" He snaps, "What the hell happend to you man?! It's almost been a whole damn year since I've seen you and you return with a totally new personality!" He cries out.

I set my glass down on the table and place my hand on his shoulder.

"Listen, Bentley. You see, love is an-"

"I'm going to stop you right there. I don't want to hear any shit about true love and what it does to a person. You're just going to rub salt in my wounds. That wound being that I'm single, and haven't had a girlfriend in three whole years." He says monotonely.

"I-I see." I reply and avert my hand from his shoulder.

"But on a serious note, you really are like a totally new person. You seem happier." He inclines.

"Thanks." I simply reply.

Thing is, Bentley and I have been friends for a couple of years now. We've known each other since our highschool days and continued being friends in University too.

During my school years, I wasn't very sociable and never really associated myself with other teenagers. I never went to party's, hungout with friends, go shopping or any other things that friends would normally do. I always stayed home and studied my ass of for good grades and practiced my artistic skills. I wouldn't have considered the me back then to be a loner, but looking at it now, I sure was.

If it wasn't for Bentley of course.

The fucker came in to my life like a damn bus. One day I was a lone wolf, next thing I knew, I was followed by a mopheaded idiot wherever I went. I couldn't do anything without him being around. I tried avoiding him, but he'd tap me on the shoulder from behind with a innocent smile. He reminded me of horror movies, I don't know how to put it but he just did.

For a while, it got annoying but at some point I just got used to having him around. I asked him why he approached me and why he was so keen on being friends with me.

"I was bored" was his reply.

All because he was bored...

"So, you finally seeing her tommorow?" He asks.

"Yup, these past two months felt like fucking years. I finally get to hold her in my arms tommorow. Seeing her on video call just didn't suffice." I reply.

I haven't seen Anneline in almost two months. Reason for this is because I had to visit my mom and Bentley was demanding that I see him too. I wanted to bring Anneline with me, but she said that she wanted to get the whole divorce process out the way and get it over and done with. I was so close to convincing her but she somehow managed to slip away.

"Well, at least your mom approved of your relationship this time." He commented.

"Moms knows best. I'm quite thankful for her strict behavior towards me. I mean, looking back at my past relationships, all of those women were after my money. I was too much of an idiot to realize it." I reply.

"Tsk, none of them knows taste, you're a damn package. They were too blinded by money and materialistic things to realize it. And you," he says as he looks at me, "you were a fucking idiot. Even I managed to tell what those women wanted wasn't love, but simply wanted to swim in your riches."

"No need to be so subtle about it, Jesus." I exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah."

The rest of the night Bentley and I continued drinking and simply talking about life. We talked about our highschool years, teachers we missed and a bunch of other nostalgic things. I also learnt that Bentley actually started getting interested in music and decided to go more in depth about it. He started taking lessons on how to play guitar online and made some new friends as well. Compared to more or less two years ago, he's been getting his life in order. The guy was a hopeless romantic and got two-timed by a women who he was absolutely crazy about. He never stopped talking about her and always fathomed about how amazing she was. I got used to seeing him in a happy like state, never frowning or in a bad mood. But of course, that women just had to ruin it for him. I don't know what exactly happened, but it left Bentley with depression that lasted for months. He didn't want to go in too much detail about what happened and I respected his decision, I didn't want to stir up memories he so badly wanted to forget either. Anyways, that whole situation left him in a bad state and made him quite itsy on getting into a new relationship. Wich explains why he has been single for the past three years.

Before I knew it, the day came to an end. I said my goodbyes to Bentley and made my way to the hotel. Before I went to bed, I got a text from Anneline saying that she got Camerons signature and that she had something to tell me when I returned.

It put a smile to my face that she was waiting for my return, on the other hand, she had me a little skeptical when she said she had something to tell me. She said she wanted to tell me in person and wanted to see my reaction.

Was it something serious?

Is she hurt?

A lot of questions popped up about her safety. As if she sensed me being worried, she sent me a picture of her in bed with a clay mask, and wearing nothing but a black silk gown.

My love❤
Don't worry, im a-okay. Just make sure yout get home asap ;)

Well then, I wonder how I'll be able to sleep tonight.

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