Chapter 5

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Cindy and I continued talking for a bit longer. I asked her as to why she suddenly ended the phone call this morning and if she was out somewhere. Turns out, she was attending a cousin's wedding and when she heard that I didn't know the person who helped me, she screeched out...during their vows. I couldn't imagine how awkward that must've been. She asked about Cameron's reaction but I told her that I haven't heard from him all day. Cindy got a little curious about Violetta and asked if I would be seeing her again or if the coffee date was a thank you to end it all off. I informed her that Violetta wanted to keep in contact and wanted to hangout more. And to be completely honest, I also wanted to continue seeing her.

After the phone call, wich lasted for about two hours cause we started gossiping about celebrities and enjoying a little girl talk, I took a shower and wore my oversized shirt with a pair of grey sweatpants, finally putting my hair in a clip and made my way to the kitchen.

I decided I was going to make Ravioli, one of Cameron's favourite dishes. He's always been a fan of Italian dishes and cuisines. Even when we went out on dates, we mostly went to  Italian restaurants. I wasn't a big fan of it but eventually I started liking a few dishes myself. When I finished dishing up, I put a lid over his food and placed it in the microwave. I then took my plate and set it on the counter.

Before I could munch down on my food, my phone starts to ring. I glance down and see Cameron's name on the screen. My mood instantly dropping, I quickly slide the green button.


"Why the hell have you not replied to my texts?" I cut him off.

"You know I have work-"

"Cameron, it's Saturday. You left before 9 this morning. What the fuck do you mean work?"

"Honey, just hear me out." He said with a sigh, "It was important, okay?"



"That's it? That's your excuse?!"

"Honey I-"

Before he could finish, I ended the call.

The hell does he mean it was important? Cameron almost never works on Saturdays and if he did it would be from home.

I finished my meal with anger, my apetite gone. When I finished eating, I washed the dishes. After drying them up and packing them away, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. My phone started ringing and I knew it was Cameron, so I didn't bother picking it up.

I decided to watch TV for a bit before heading to bed. I thought about waiting up for Cameron but changed my mind when I saw it was already 10pm. He never works this late so why isn't he home yet?

For about half an hour, I just lay there waiting for sleep to consume me. Not long after, I heard the front door open and the jingle of the keys being placed on the table. I glance at my alarm clock on my bedside table and saw it was 11:46 pm.

I pulled the covers over my head when I heard his footsteps approaching our bedroom and pretended to be asleep. When he came into the room, he switched on the light followed by some shuffling. After he finished undressing, he got under the covers.

"Cameron, why are you home this late?" I asked.

I could tell he was suprised by the way he flinched.

"Like I said, work." He replied.

"And like I said, you never work on a Saturday."

"Anneline please, we'll talk about this tommorow, I'm tired. Goodnight." He grumbled.

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