Chapter 19

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When I got a call from Anneline with her voice haggered, I rushed from work to hers. The only words she murmured on the phone was 'I need you' before ending the call.

Those three simple words would've sounded wonderful if she said it with a smile on her face or with cheer etched into her voice when she called me.

But it was the total opposite.

Anneline sounded tired. I could barely make out what she said with how far she sounded.

My thoughts were jumbled up when I rushed to her.

Was she okay?

Was she in danger?

Is she hurt?

Did Cameron find out about us?

If so, did it really have that much of an effect on her?

When I arrived at hers, I banged on the door.

"Anneline!" I called out,"Open the door!"

Not long after I heard a click of the lock. As the door opened, I was shocked to see the state she was in.

There Anneline was standing, but she looked different.

Her eyes that always sparkled with excitement and curiosity now looked lost. It was as if she didn't know who she was or where she is. Her cheeks were tainted red with fresh tears staining them. She was crying, that much was obvious.

But the question is, why?

Her beautiful smile that I've come to love was now covered up by quivering lips, stopping a sob from escaping them.


She stepped aside and let me in. I closed the door behind me and as I did so, I lay down my coat on the couch.

"What happend?" I ask, as I embrace her in a hug.

"Cameron has a child with another women." She stated, with a voice that held no emotion.

"I see." I simply replied and hugged her even tighter.

"You know, when I found out I was fucking furious to the point where I thrashed my room and smashed a good bottle of wine."

"I thought to myself, why was I so upset? Why am I here, crying over a guy who went ahead and slept with another women and even went as far to have a kid with her? But then again, I betrayed him too. Finally, I got to a conclusion. Maybe it's karma. Maybe it's me simply getting the taste of my own medicine." She stated.

"No, it's not karma at all." I said.

I placed both my hands on her cheeks and wiped away the remaing tears.

"The fact that he has a kid says alot already. You two dated for quite a while so he must've cheated on you before he even got on one knee and placed a ring on your finger. I'm not trying to compare what we have with him, but, his affair has definetley been going on longer than ours. Fuck, he was probably cheating on you before you even met me and you haven't even known me for a full year yet. Anneline, I don't want you to feel guilty. I don't want you to feel responsible for someone elses wrongdoings." I told her.

She leaned in to my touch. I felt her soft hands on mine that were still cupping her cheeks. Her beautiful eyes latched on to mine and held a soft gaze in them.

My Anneline.

"I love you." I whispered and placed my lips on hers.

I felt her arms swing over my neck. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist as I wrapped my arms around hers for support.

"I love you too." She said with a little grin and captured my lips with hers once again.

I missed these lips.

I missed her voice.

I missed her smile.

I missed the feel of her touch.

I missed her curiosity.

I missed the feeling of having her in my arms.

I just missed her so fucking much.

All I want to do is whisper nothing but sweet things to her.

I want to get to know her better.

I want to treat her like the beautiful women she is.

I want her to know that she's special.

I want to start a life with her.

Anneline has made me feel and experience things I never thought I could. I found myself looking forward to the days where I could finally hold her in my arms and spend time with her. I was counting each and every day till I could see her, every hour in that said day till I would see her.

As I've said before, this women has me wrapped around her finger and she has yet to realize it.

"You wanna take a nap?" I ask her as I place a kiss on her cheek.

"I don't want to sleep in the same bed as I slept with that fucker." She says as she nuzzles her face into my neck.

I let out a little chuckle with her words and action.

"Go take a shower and sleep on the couch for a bit. I'll prepare us something in the meantime." I replied.

"Carry me to the shower, I'm tired." She said, but before I could say anything else, I heard her soft snores and breath against my neck.

I let out a giggle and slowly lay her down on the couch. I grab the blanket from the little basket on the table and cover her up with it.

"Sweet dreams." I whisper and peck her on her forehead.

I sat down on the opposite couch and simply admired her. This beautiful, extravagant, amazing, astounding women. This women, I can finally call her mine.

Technically not, considering she's still married to that fucker, but after she divorces him I'm replacing the ring he once put on that finger of hers with one of my own. I don't care how long it takes. Be it months or even years, I'm legally going to make this women mine.

Anneline Chekov, it's got a nice ring to it.

Maybe we could even have a mini her or a mini me, or maybe even both if we're lucky.

I lean my head back on the backrest of the couch and let out a long sigh.

Truth is, I knew about Cameron's affair for quite some time now. To be quite frank, I've known about it eversince the day I brought a drunk Anneline back home.

How did I find out?

Well, the fucker had lipstick stains all over his neck. Secondly, he was on a call when he opened the door and said: 'Goodbye my love, I'll see you soon. And don't worry, I'll make sure to make enough time just for you and our little Emi. '

I remember his words as clear as day. And lastly, when I handed Anneline over to him I got a whiff of a different female deodarant. It smelled different from the brand Anneline uses. How do I know? Well... I may or may not have got a whiff of her scent when I helped her out the car. But, who knew Cameron was such a fucking idiot?

How the hell could he take such a big risk?

Or maybe he wanted Anneline to find out? Well, either way, she knows now.

Although, my main concern now is, how do I tell Anneline that I've known this shit eversince the day we met?



A/N: yayyy new chap:').....

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