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"Never feel guilty for starting again."
— Unknown

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"No." Silas let's out a low gasp as he looks around the backyard of Miyagi-Do.

It was completely trashed. Doors broken off their hinges, toilet paper everywhere, trees and plants out of place and broken. Punching bags graffitied on and taken down from their post.

Robby goes to reach out to Silas, but Silas pulls away from him turning around and storming inside the dojo when all the shelves were knocked down, pictures shattered and taken down, it wasn't the same place it once was.

Silas slowly took the room in, his eyes stopping on his distraught father who held a box case in his hands. "They even took Mr.Miyagi's Medal of Honor."

"They took what?" Silas rushes to his fathers side bending down and looking at the empty case the medal was once in. "I'm gonna kill those bitches."

Silas gets up punching the wall closest to him before kicking one of the already broken shelves, repeatedly. He couldn't believe Hawk would do this. He just couldn't and now he was gonna make him pay.

"Dad! Si!" Sam shouts to them.

Silas stops kicking and rushes out the dojo passing a very concerned Robby who quickly followed the two LaRusso's.

When Silas gets out, he sees Sam staring at his fathers yellow car in disbelief. There were words written in big red letters. Silas couldn't even make the words out because tears filled his eyes.

That was the car Mr.Miyagi have to his father. That was the car Grandpa Miyagi took 4 year old Silas on his first ever road trip. That was the car Daniel taught Silas how to drive in. First it was the medal and now this.

Daniel without another word hopped into the yellow car, Robby and Sam calling out to him as he did so. Silas wasted no time in joining his father who took off and out the parking lot of their dojo.

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"What the hell you think you guys are doing here?" Johnny looks between the father and son who just stormed into the dojo, stopping the class.

"Like you don't know." Daniel scoffs.

"Take your shoes off the mat." Johnny walks toward them. "You're disrespecting my dojo."

"Just like your fucking pest disrespected ours?!" Silas exclaims glaring at Hawk who didn't meet his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Johnny asks confusion in his tone. "I and they, didn't do anything to your dojo."

"You fucking asshole!" Silas walks forward pushing Hawk back. "You're such a fucking pussy! You think you run and own everything!  You fucking don't! Stop trying to prove that you're all big and bad. You got your ass best, Eli—."

"It's Hawk." Hawk steps up to him finally making eye contact.

"No! It's Eli, because deep down you're still the same little coward you always were!" Silas shouts pushing Hawk back again. "You and your little goons ruined my father's dojo! You took my grandfathers medal! How can you do that and still be okay with yourself?! How?!"

"Silas, that's enough." Miguel tries to get infront of Hawk, but flinches when Silas turns to him.

"Get your hands off me Diaz!" Silas shoves Miguel away from him. Silas steps back and looks at everyone of the students watching. "You guys think Cobrs Kai is all bad ass, when all they do is cheat. They're bully's and I never truly saw it until now. They don't know how to handle losses, no matter how many times they get their ass beat. The doors at Miyagi-Do are wide open if you want to learn what real leadership is like. Eli, know that I will be back for my medal."

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