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'Perfection is found in accepting your imperfections.'
— Bridgett Devoue

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"I don't know if we'll ever use this in a fight, but if we're ever forced into a dance battle, we're set." Robby tells Sam as they continue to walk around in a circle doing the same moves Daniel and Silas have taught them weeks ago.

Sam laughs almost falling into the water, but Robby grabs her arm, quickly steading her, so she didn't fall into the water. Silas who just entered the backyard walking next to Demetri glances up at them with a smile on his face excited to see his boyfriend and sister the second time that day.

The smile is quickly wiped off his face when he sees Robby and Sam staring at each other, Robby's eyes were filled with worry while Sam's...Sam's was filled with...with something Silas would call lust, but there was no way she would look at his boyfriend like that absolutely not...

"Uh, hey, are we doing shirts versus skins? Cause I prefer to be a shirt. Not saying that you have to be a skin...unless you wan to." Demetri snaps not only Silas out of his thoughts, but Robby and Sam too, gaining their attention. Demetri looks to Silas. "Why didn't you tell me we were doing shirts versus skins?"

"Because we're not Demetri." Silas chuckles lowly shaking his head.

"Well, it looks like we are!" Demetri points to Robby and Sam. "One has no shirt and the other has on a shirt and their fighting each other! That to me is shirt versus skin!"

"Their not fighting—you know what..." Silas turns to his father. "Dad! Get him out of here, I've done my job of babysitting him all morning!"

"Babysitting?" Demetri repeats. "You we're babysitting?! And here I thought you just wanted to hang out with—."

"Demetri! Over here." Daniel calls him over.

"Yes sir." Demetri quickly says walking off. Silas let's out a low laugh watching him walk away before turning to his boyfriend and sister.

"You two ready? I'm hungry." Silas pats his stomach.

Robby gives him an amused look. "Demetri tired you out, huh?"

"You have no idea." Silas groans. "I would say it was worse than watching you two struggle with the moves, but that would be a lie."

"That's hurtful brother." Sam gasps dramatically. "How dare you?!"

"I'm just saying what you should already no." Silas holds his hands up in defense. "And if you don't know. Now you do."

"You are crabby today." Robby gets out of the water, shaking his wet hair as he wraps a towel around himself.

"It's because I'm hungry." Silas pouts as Robby walks to him taking the LaRusso's hand in his. Sam watching them intently. "Can we go eat now?"

"Yes, come on and help me change." Robby intertwines their fingers and starts dragging the boy inside. 

"But-But, we're gonna take even longer!" Silas whines allowing Robby to drag him.

Robby looks at him with a small smirk on his lips. "I'll make it worth it. I promise."

"I think waiting a few extra minutes won't hurt."

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