A Romantic Moment With Him- Gabriel

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Taking the warm cup of apple cider in your hands you made your way outside. Today had been one of those rare days off. Where you had no cases or monsters or paperwork to worry about. You'd left your phone inside just wanting to cut the cord & just go outside to be one with nature for a little while. You went on a little walk not too far away from the bunker & found a nice little spot to sit underneath a tall tree whose leaves had begun to change colors. You closed your eyes & leaned your head against the tree just taking in the sounds & smells around you. Opening your eyes you took a sip of your cider letting your body relax for once. Felling all the tension melt & slip away. A gentle breeze passed by you causing the leaves in the tree to rustle. You watched as multicolored leaves began to fall around you. As simple as it was, it was enough to put a smile on your face. Setting down your glass you picked up one of the reddish-brown colored leaves & begun to twirl it in your fingers. Another breeze passed by you & you let go of the leaf watching as the wind caught it & carried it off. As you watched it get carried off by the wind all of a sudden a plethora of leaves fell off you. Letting out a gasp you looked up to see that Gabriel was sitting on a branch in the tree above you laughing to himself as you were now covered in the leaves he'd made fall from the tree you were sitting under. Getting a smirk on your face you quickly stood up & grabbed ahold of his leg & pulled him from the tree causing him to fall & land in the pile of leaves he'd made fall on you. There was enough so he didn't get injured, but you were now the one laughing at him. Which he didn't like that much so he decided to pull you down into the pile of leaves with him. The two of you just stayed like that for a while enjoying the moment, not wanting it to end.

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