He Finds You Smudging/Sageing The Bunker - Crowley

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You borrowed some smudge sticks from the boys. You just wanted to do a deep cleansing of the entire bunker since you just felt like there was this dark cloud hovering over you. Not to mention how those in the bunker were having a string of bad luck. There was nothing you hated more than monsters besides having bad juju or karma as most called it. So you just so happened to find an Eagles feather next to the bundles of sage so you grabbed it too. You started at the very top of the stairs, the entrance to the bunker & made your way down. So far everything was going surprisingly well & you could already feel the difference. Like the air itself was lighter & fresher. You had no problems as you saged the brother's rooms. But when you opened the door to your room you were greeted with quite the surprise Crowley had been sitting as if waiting for you on your bed. At first, you ignored him since you'd just come in here to sage. But once the smell of burning sage reached his nose was when it started to complain. "Even with that horrible smell, you can't get rid of me that easily love." Came his remarks. "I'm not trying to get rid of you. I'm trying to get rid of this bad juju that seems to be hovering over me, Sam & Dean. Plus I happen to like the smell of sage." With that, you went back to smudging your room & when you were finished you turned to leave & noticed how Crowley seemed to follow you. At first, you didn't really care or mind since you just so happened to enjoy his presence. But his constant whining about the smell of the sage & if this was all really necessary was when he started to get on your nerves. Only to find out that he was trying to get you riled up. Or so that you'd give him more attention. Which you did once you were done smudging every inch of the bunker.

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