Don't Look At Me Prompt - Sam

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You, Sam & Dean had all been working a case together. Though it wasn't just another ordinary case. No in this one you two had to pose as a rich snobby couple at a fancy party. The only reason you were doing this was so you two could act as a distraction & lookout while Dean broke in & searched the house for any clues related to the case. Luckily the three of you had managed to narrow the search to a few suspicions looking locked rooms. So you just hoped he could be quick enough so you could hurry up & get out of this uncomfortable outfit & back into your normal more comfier clothes. Posing as a couple with Sammy was something that came naturally to you, almost a little too naturally. But you couldn't help but notice every time you two split up to see if you could gather any information from the guests you felt his eyes on you watching your every move. Having a look of disgust & slight jealously on his face whenever you interacted with a male party goer. When you were done talking to the party goers you actually had quite a bit of useful or helpful information so you decided to go group back up with Sammy & fill him in on what you learned. You started filling him in on what you learned, but then stopped because he still had that same look on his face. "Don't look at me like that." You stated. "Look at you like what?" He shot back. "Like your jealous, I saw how you couldn't keep your eyes off me while I was going around talking to everyone. Just for the record, I could care less about all of them, I'm just trying to get information that we can use out of them. Which in fact I did, so are you gunna keep acting jealous or you gunna do something about it?" You finished, but he didn't have a chance to respond before his phone went off. It was Dean calling & saying how he found what we were looking for & that he was waiting a few blocks over for the two of you. You turned & started to walk away, but were quickly stopped by a hand on your wrist, Sam's to be exact. Then you felt him press his full body against your back while he leaned in closer to your ear to whisper "Trust me when we get back to the motel room I fully intend on doing something about this." He finished while subtly rutting against making it clear what he had in store for you.

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