First Time Meeting Him - Asmodeus

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There had been a bunch of rumors going around that a certain prince of hell had made his return. Even though Gabriel supposedly killed him you were really surprised to hear the rumors going around. Hell at this point barely anything surprised you anymore. The brothers weren't buying into them & just chalked it up to demons doing nothing more than spreading rumors & making people panic. But you on the other hand felt obligated to at the very least debunk the rumors going around. Yet when the rumors turned out to be true you'd wished you at least told one of the brothers where you'd gone. Because the last thing you were expecting was to come face to face with Asmodeus himself. "Now I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting." He said stretching out his hand to you. You cautiously eyed choosing not to shake it since you were very well aware of what he was capable of. "No, but I know plenty about you. Asmodeus the fourth prince of hell. Or at least you were until Gabriel fried your ass. Yet here you are which, to be honest, I'm not that surprised about." You said matter of factly. You watched as a wicked grin graced his features & you could've sworn you saw a quick flash of his yellow eyes. "Well, at least you live up to the rumors I've heard about you, missy. Family to the Winchester brothers, but not by blood. A solo hunter for the most part, but not afraid to get her hands dirty or help out a fellow hunter in need." He shot back at you. "Intimidation, cute. But there's plenty more to me than just that. I mean shoot maybe you should go talk to your old man Lucifer about me & hear the stories he has to tell. Since if you're alive chances are he is too." You said holding your ground. You just hoped he couldn't read your mind due to the little fact you couldn't get over the sound of his voice that was like music to your ears. Or how good-looking he just so happened to be. You cut your thoughts off tearing your eyes away from him as you turned to leave. He could've stopped you if he wanted, but no he just stood there & watched you leave. Mainly because during this small interaction you'd managed to pique his interest & boy oh boy was he gunna have fun with this.

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