Someone Spills About Your Crush On Him - Dean

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Cas had been the one to spill the beans to Dean. To be honest the sweet angel didn't even mean to it had just come out accidentally while he was having a conversation with Dean. He had been asking the angel why the two of you seemed too close to each other & wanted to know if you were dating, Cas' response was just a simple "No we're just good friends, plus your the one she likes in that way, not me Dean." When Cas realized he had spilled your secret he was quick to teleport out of there that way he couldn't be questioned further o the situation. But to be honest Dean already had all the information he needed. Which was knowing that you felt the same way about him as how he felt toward you. So he seek you out & pulled you aside for a little conversation that turned into him confessing his feelings for you & you doing the same in return. Though when he told you that a little winged friend had already told him you weren't mad, hell you made a mental note to thank Cas for being so clumsy & admit to Dean that you were crushing on him since he help the two of you get together.

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