You Get Kidnapped - Castiel

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You were working on a fairly important case with the boys. Taking down a fairly large group of demons that had been wreaking havoc. More than normal havoc that was. So you had all broken into 2 groups. You with Sam & Dean with your sweet Angel of a boyfriend. Unfortunately, the group of demons you had ended up going after one of them had managed to send out a distress signal of sorts before you ganked him. Unfortunately, the fresh group of demons that had shown up had just so happened to be stronger than the last group & you & Sam weren't nearly at 100% from taking out the previous group. You had tried your best to put up a good fight, but the numbers advantage they had on you was just too much to handle. And your backup didn't get there quite quick enough, so the remaining demons had decided to flee, but not before taking you with them. Stating how you might be of some use to them. Unfortunately for you, they had knocked you clean out so you had no idea where you were taken. Let alone what had happened between the time you were taken & the time you had woken up. The only thing you did know was that you had a pounding headache & could see that there was blood seeping threw your shirt. Though you couldn't exactly check since the demons that had taken you had you chained up so you couldn't try to escape. Though that didn't stop you from trying to come up with some type of plan. But your thinking had been interrupted by loud screaming & what sounded like fighting coming from outside the room you were being kept in. Your suspicions had been confirmed when Dean had burst through the doors of your room with your boyfriend behind him. They were quick to get you freed & Cass was even quicker to get you out of harm's way while Dean & Sam took care of the few demons that were left. While they were doing that your sweet Angel was checking you over assessing just how bad your injuries were & then using his powers to help heal you up. Though your muscles were still quite sore from everything that had happened to you. But to be honest, you & your boyfriend were just glad that you were safe. But he was a little uneasy whenever you went on hunts after that little incident. Always being quick to check you for injuries making sure you were still in one piece.

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