His GF Tries To Hide An Injury From Him - Crowley

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He had noticed right away something was wrong or off with you. Just from the way you walked. How your steps were more ginger than normal. He also noticed how you tried at all costs to avoid bending over. Or that whenever you did or put any sort of pressure on your midsection you let out a hiss of pain. He finally couldn't take watching you in pain anymore & confronted you about it. You just tried to play it off how you were just sore from the hunt you finished the other day. But you could never fool The King Of Hell. He knew better & decided to just lift up your shirt. But what he saw was something he wasn't prepared for. You had a giant gash mark going up your right side that had stitches in it. He didn't say much, instead just gave you a sad look that said why didn't you just come to me? Slowly but carefully he began to heal your injury. You did have to admit when he was done you did feel a whole lot better. Of course, it did sting when he healed you, but that was nothing compared to what it felt like when Sammy was stitching the gash. He gently placed your shirt back down & then asked "That feel better love?" "Much actually, thank you." You replied giving him a little kiss on the cheek to show your thanks. "So tell me then that wound had to of been at least a day old, so how come you never came to me about it pet?" He asked. "Well I tried to, I even went to hell. But the doors to your throne room were closed & some lower rank demon told me you were busy with other matters & refused to let me in. So I just left & have just been dealing with it by myself." Your response angered him, how dare someone turn away his queen? He made sure to make a mental note to find out Just who was the one that turned you away & properly deal with them. But for now, he was just glad that he was able to heal you. But a part of him couldn't help but feel a bit guilty knowing how much pain you had to go through with getting those stitches & then having to deal with this injury by yourself for a full day.

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