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Next day,

In early morning,

Shivay was sleeping being tired holding Anika's hand tightly when Anika stirred little making Shivay's sleep broke.

He hurriedly called doctor who informed him that Anika will soon regain her conscious making him happy.

He was talking with doctor when he heard little whispering, he turned towards Anika who was trying to keep eyes open while taking his name.

Shiv: Niku...he says happily before running towards her.

His happiness left with no fraction of second he placed his lips on her forehead kissing on it....he started pampering lots of kisses on her face like manic thanking god to let her live with him.

Anika becomes numb trying to get reason behind this rain of kisses on the other hand doctor and nurses smiled seeing the scenario in front of them...its true that they have seen patient's relative getting tense but in Anika's case they have witnessed lifeless Shivay who just now got his life back...they don't wished to disturb them but alas they have to check Anika.

Nurse coughed faked gaining Shivay's attention who gave them embarrassed look. 

Dr: so Mrs.Anika, how are you feeling now?

Ani: whispered slowly...her eyes watered feeling pain.

Shiv: Niku...what happened? Doctor please don't ask her any questions now...relax jaanu...kuch nahi hai...he said wiping her face as he just made her drink water as she coughed.

Dr: Mr.Oberoi, her throat is paining its absolutely fine to feel pain in throat as well as in respiratory tract also she may feel discomfort in breathing sometime but nothing to worry she will soon recover with your love and patience...she said with smile and went out.

Anika looked at him in confusion...she tried to move when he hold her back and made her lay again. 

Shiv: no need to do become jhasi ki rani and do everything on your own, you have gained your conscious back after whole nine just rest.

Anika huffed in frustration when she can't spoke a word due to pain.

Shiv: why are you getting irritated?...he asked making her roll her eyes.

Shiv: okay fine....i got it...i know you are having many i'll answer them all. First of all you reached here due to your carelessness, knowing how serious your allergy towards peanuts is still you ate them and i don't know but when i find you in washroom you were...he stopped in middle when he remembers her condition.

Anika can exactly guess what's going into his mind.

Shiv: leave it all you were in comma from many days now please don't strain yourself and rest...he said and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Two days later,

Shiv: Niku, come i have got your discharge papers ready...come i'll help you to change, he said making Anika sit on bed.

Ani: no, you go out...i'll change on my own.

Shiv: fine, but don't put pressure on yourself for anything, doctor said due to you were comma for long time, your body has lost its coordination among body parts but it will be fine with time...i am sending the nurse to help you okay?...he said caressing her face on which she nodded and he walks out as he didn't wished to make her uncomfortable in any way.

Anika was fidgeting with buttons of her gown trying to open them when she heard knock.

Ani: who's this?

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