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Shiv: Niku...he called her making her root on her place.

Ani: leave my hand and stop calling me that again and again...she said trying to free her hand from his grip.

Shiv: please listen to me once...

Ani: why should i?

Shiv: because i love you...

Ani: have you listened to me that time? my love mattered you that time? No...a big no? That time shivay singh oberoi were so engrossed in his anger that he forgotten his wife...the lady he claimed loved once was standing in front of him...then why should i listen to you now?...she shouted.

Shiv: i know i did a grave mistake..i did a sin by not listening to you and we both are facing punishment for that.

Ani: why you want to give explanation to me suddenly?

Shiv: because today is the same day i broke every tie with you before three years...its our third anniversary today

Ani: i don't want to listen anything already my mood is not good today...i don't want to become your punching bag at least today

Shiv: Anika...what are you saying? I just wanted you to listen me.

Ani: i know you won't explain me anything Mr.Oberoi but instead you will curse will blame me, insult me.

Shiv: no are mistaken...i won't let you down again. I have realised i cannot be live without you anymore....i can't handle with your absence in my are my life...please let me explain you;once listen to me...he said with moist eyes.

Ani: fine...tell me i am listening...she gave in as she cannot see him breaking like this...moreover taking decision without listening to person in front of her isn't Anika's nature.

Shiv: jaanu....i swear...i never touched any woman except you in my whole life...i accept you were only bet for me in starting but when i started spending time with you; i started knowing the actual person in can i not love the girl who can be so selfless when it comes to loving someone...and that someone is me...Niku's Shivay...

I get to know what is love? How people became mad in it? how it feels when someone loves you i realised everything when you entered in my life....i was the man who used to crave for little attention from treated me like the precious happening in your life and i started taking you granted.

I wanted to remove you from my heart when i throw you out of my house...i wanted to revenge you for cheating me...but i was unable...i am unable now can i remove my heartbeat from it?

I confess...for forgetting you i used to be with many girls but your feelings, your love never let me cheat you...he cried.

I never ever touched Shanaya nor i loved her....neither her baby is mine...i am still your...please give me one more chance...please.

Anika's eyes widen in shock when he confess.

Ani: you are lying right? You are lying because you wanted me to prove your innocence don't worry, i will do that no need to lie...proving you innocent is my duty...ASR never mixes professional and personal life besides we now don't have anything in term of personal...she said painfully.

Shiv: Niku...please believe me...i am very guilty...i will die if you went away from me this time...please come back to me...please...he folded his hands in front of her sitting on floor, breaking down in tears.

Ani: Shivay... I am still saying if you are doing this under the pressure of case...i am again assuring you...i will turn world ups and down to prove you innocent but for that please don't play with my feelings once again...please... I won't able to stand again from heartbreak...main nahi reh sakungi is time...nahi sambhal paungi khud ko...mar jaungi...she falls on her knees crying.

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