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Jud: objection can proceed Mr.Sharma...

Dev looked at Anika asking answer.

Ani: i wanted to get married to him as soon as possible.

De: why? Was there something wrong between you two? Have you both had already crossed lines and you were pregnant with his child?

Shiv: Sharma....he roared angrily seeing Anika's condition.

Jud: order order...

De: court wants to know Mrs.Shivay were you pregnant at that time?

Ani: no i wasn't...that day Shivay was getting married with someone else on his family insist, so how i let him do that? We used to love each other.

De: if he used to love then how he got ready to marry someone else? Anyways tell me how was Mr.Oberoi after marriage? Just now you said he can do anything for his family then how you both living separately after marriage?

Anika looks down...let any difference may arise between them but she knows how much his family's reputation matters him.

De: i can take your silence as whatever i you want to say something more?

Anika nodded no.

De: ok my next witness is Mrs.Pinky Singh Oberoi.

Pinky came in witness box.

De: so Mrs.Oberoi tell me something about Mrs.Shivay your daughter-in-law.

Pin: ohh my matas....she is no more Mrs.Shivay now...and what to tell about her kuch acchai hogi toh bolungi na...she looks very sweets and innocent types but in real i haven't seen more cunning girl than her...we never knows that she will appears as our dil in front of us suddenly still i and our whole family accepted her like our own daughter and treated her like one but from the day she entered in our house she started thinking herselfs as queens of the house...she used to order us for everything and we innocent people used to think she left her parents house so we should listens to her behaviour started changing more...she started torturing us mentally as well as physically....she harmed me many times physically sometimes she used to add extra salt and spices in our food...sometimes she used to burn my hands keeping them on hot pan or on iron...she used to shout on us like manic...when we cannot handle more we told Shivay about her but being fool in her love he refused to trust us and start living with her in mumbai separately; she separated mother from her only son...Pinky said wiping her tears.

When they shift from our home to Mumbai next to that day i fell very ill and when family informed him, he came running to me but Anika did not come neither she called me once for asking about my health...but when he went back to her after 4-5 days she made it big scene that day my son got to know about her true colors.

Shivay looks at Anika who was sitting being emotionless like she have understood no one will be in her favour.

Pin: you tell me Dev beta why one would be get married?

De: umm...may be for extending family, for having kids.

Pin: exactly my points...judge sahab you tell me what is my son's fault if he asked his wife for his own kids after marriage.

Shiv: mom stop you are going off track...he said eyeing Anika who is turning pale by each passing second.

De: let her speak Mr.Oberoi...yehh so Mrs.Oberoi tell me what were you saying? Yehh about kids...that means Anika wasn't ready for kids?

Pin: no she wasn'ts...may be she is infertile that's why she always used to keep Shivay away from her...but my poor sons still loved her...Anika's own parents kicked her out of their life when she eloped with Shivay but for her happiness my son went to them and mend them for his wife's happiness...but they kept one condition that they will accept this relation only if Shivay remarries her with their customs and being fool in her love my Shivay agreed...her parents took her back to their house for marriage...on decided day when Shivay and we all Oberoi's were about depart for wedding venue we got one envelope on Shivay's name.

De: what was there in that envelope? He asked curiously.

Pin: there was some photographs.

De: which photos?

Shiv: aee...Dev close your bloody mouth...don't poke your nose in our past...he shouted angrily; while Omru too got frustrated with Pinky.

Jud: order keep quite.

De: tell me which photos?

Pin: abhi khud ke ghar ki ijjat khud kaise uchhalu? but if i will lie it will be like disrespecting honourable court so i will tell truth only...those photos are of Anika with her god knows lovers or whoms but she was in very intimate position with that some both were clothless too under duvet.....

Gauri and Bhavya cupped their faces in shock looking at Anika who was still emotionless like she knows from earlier like this will happen for sure.

De: you may leave point to be noted my lord...Anika was in extra marital affair with someone... now i want to call my sister-in-law Mrs.Shanaya for witness.

Jud: permission granted.

De: so Mrs.Shanaya tell us how you met Shivay?

Sha: we met first time in business party...that time he was very alone...with passing time we both had friendship and then he proposed me for being his girlfriend.

De: don't you feel like you are cheating on your husband for having extra marital affair?

Sha: come on Dev you yourself knows how was your brother...don't you know how he used to bring his one stands in home? So why should i feel i cheated him?

Dev: that means Shivay and you are just friends?

Sha: no we have crossed that boundary long back and becomes each others...we have spend many nights with each other and its result is growing inside me...she said with smile keeping hand on her stomach.

De: what do you mean? Say clearly

Sha: i mean is i am pregnant with Shivay's baby...she said with smile caressing her stomach making everyone shock.

Pin: ohh my mata...she screams being happy.

Jud: order...order...

Rid: do you have any prove the baby is his?...she asked coming out of shocked stage.

Shanaya gave DNA reports proving herself.

De: do you agree with Shanaya?...he asked Shivay who nodded yes...till now Anika's eyes started watering with uncontrolling tears....while Shanaya smirked.

Sh: judge saheb...i want him to get married with me now...i want him to accept me as his wife and mother of his baby in front of world.

Pin: arre you gaves us so muchs happiness he will do whatevers you wants...Pinky replied in joy.

Ri: my lord i want next date for further proceeding of case...she requested.

Jud: ok...the court is adjourned for now.

Precap: ......

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