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Ani: Mr.Oberoi wanted to make my first birthday after marriage special so he planned everything...he took lots of efforts to make it more special; i was feeling on top of the world until that video know what was in that video?

Shivay's tongue got tied...his throat became dry thinking what is coming next.

Ani: how would you be knowing...i will in that video Mr.oberoi was talking with his friends...his one friend has challenged him to make me his girlfriend as i was...actually still i am very rude with he accepted the challenge and according to it he made me fall for him...seeing this video feeling cheated...asking him for explanation was too Anika's fault...feeling myself as his toy was my fault...everything was Anika's fault...anika is wrong Mr.Oberoi is always right so what if he played with someone's feeling for mere what if he had many flings...still he was, is and will be right...and anika was, is and will be wrong...    

May whatever will happenes Shivay cannot change the truth that Anika was just a bet for him in starting which then changed in true love after spending time with her...after getting to know her...he never ever thought about any other girl except her...

Shiv: Anika...he tried to touch her but she moved back and started crying suddenly.

Ani: don't touch me...just don't stay away...she shouted.

Shiv: Anika...listen to me please...

Ani: listen what? Wanna give more justification about his actions? I don't want to here those...i have married Mr.Oberoi with lots of dreams...but he didn't think once before shattering all of them...he just believed on those photographs...he never believed Anika...he threw me out of his life when i needed him the most...

Shiv: Anika...i...

Ani: Just imagine seeing his wife getting intimated into photos have hurted him that much then what about Anika? What about me whose husband sees her as mare bet...Mr.Oberoi have made another lady pregnant...

Just say once...Mr.Oberoi haven't touched Shanaya...just say that baby isn't his.... Please ask him to say once that he still love me...i will turn whole world ups and down to prove his innocence...please say once Shivay still loves his Niku...please...she sobbed on his chest.

Shiv: i swear jaanu...that baby isn't mine...i have never touched any other woman intimately  in my life except you Niku...i still love you and will love you till my last breath...finally he confessed his true feelings for her...he cannot see his love begging him for something...if she have asked him all things in her senses just for investigation...he would never had accepted this...but he cannot control himself seeing Anika breaking down badly...sobbing vigorously.

Ani: sacchi...he still love me?...she asked him innocently.

Shiv: yehh...i love you...he loves you more than his life...he said kissing her forehead after wiping her tears.

Ani: least in my imagination Mr.Oberoi accepted he loves know real Mr.Oberoi won't have accepted this...because he never loved are really so sweet...she pinched his cheeks.

Ani: i know you won't say this thing to anyone.

Shiv: which thing?...he asked wiping his own eyes which have turned fully red due to continuous cryings.

Ani: shall i say? Its secret no one knows it...not even Mr.Oberoi...she whispered near his ears...he nodded yes confusingly is there more that he don't know about Anika?...he thought.

Ani: not like this...first sit down...she made him sit and herself sit on his lap placing his hands on her stomach and herself place her own hands on top of his.

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