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After stitching Shivay's hand, they settle back into car.

Anika was driving while Shivay was sitting beside her observing her face which had turned red due to continuous crying still she is crying.

Shiv: enough Ms.Raizada...i am alive you are crying as if i have died.

Ani: you can't straightly talk with me na? Why are you talking about death and all you know na i can't...she realised what she was about to say.

Shiv: what you can't?...his asked desperately as his heart were aching to know how much he is important into her life.

Ani: i am not crying, but this tears aren't stopping...she divert the topic. 

Nodding head in disbelief Shivay switched on music...tose naina song was playing...both looked at each other.

Mrs.Rana: no...Shivay you two doesn't matching with each other, wait for sometime Mrs.Sane has went to look for more students who can make perfect pair.

After sometime,

Mrs.Sane come with more students, they made pairs but still couldn't found perfect match for Shivay.

Mrs.Sane: Mrs.Rana let's wait for few minutes actually i called one more girl from second year but her lecture was going on so she will come after it ends.

Anika silently walked into auditorium room, where Mrs.Sane called her.

Ani: ma'am you called me?

Mrs.Sane: ohh yess...Mrs.Rana look she is the one i am talking about.

Mrs.Rana: indeed she is perfect for him let me call him so we can see them together....saying she called Shivay.

Both Anika and Shivay looks at each other surprisingly.

Mrs: yess...look they exactly look like made for each other.

Anika widen her eyes listening such comment that too from her professor but Shivay chuckled knowing their teachers very well.

Mrs.Rana: ok students now as we did our work of pairing you, just focus more on practicing now, you all knows this competition is really important for our college's reputation....saying both professor took exit.

Anika look at Shivay astounded, trying to remember where she saw him before.

Seeing her into his college, Shivay got surprised and move towards her.

Shiv: hey ms.whatever...remember me?...he asked giving cheekily smile.

Anika again thought for sometime and then it strikes her.

Ani: yes of course how can i forgot it was her turn to smile.

Shiv: its Shivay...he said rolling his eyes.

Ani: its Anika then...she said with double attitude.

Shiv: by the way what are you doing in my college?

Ani: what anyone does in college? Study right? So i am doing same.

Shiv: how i haven't see you?

Ani: are you work as watchman that you will know every student here?

Shiv: umm...not like that...i am very famous among girls you see so i know almost every girl from last year batch.

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