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Shivay was still awake at late hours of night admiring his sleeping beauty, remembering every beautiful moment he had spend with her...just her presence used to make everything beautiful around him.

"no won't do that again't...don't"...Anika murmured into her sleep, making Shivay worried.

Shiv: Anika...what happened?...he patted her cheeks which only increased her murmurs.

Shiv: shit...she is having fever...he uttered when he touched her forehead.

"i am promising i won't do it from next time...please don't"...she screamed more loudly making him panic.

He quickly went to her side, he started fixing duvet around her as she was shivering...while doing so his gaze fell on bed which has red stains, realising what it is he tried to make her awake.

Shiv: Niku....jaanu...see i think your menstrual started get freshen up and then do sleep...he whispered into her ears while stroking her hairs, that's when she opened her eyes...feeling something wet in her feminine area.

She gets up hurriedly from bed and got scared seeing bed drenched in blood.

Ani: i am sorry...i am sorry Shivay...i will just clean it...please don't lock me in darkness...she started pleading him with tears in eyes.

Shiv: Anika...go get freshen up first...he said holding her arm as she was trying to pull out sheets.

Ani: no please...i will do it...don't lock me...she blabbered again.

Shiv: no one is locking you baby...just change this bathrobe and get freshen must be feeling uncomfortable...he said calmly.

Ani: yeh?...she said pointing towards stains.

Shiv: don't bothered about it.

Ani: you won't punish me for this na? She asked innocently.

Shiv: no i won't..he smiled wiping her tears.

She started moving towards washroom but collapsed on floor suddenly.

Shiv: what happened?

Ani: i can't legs are shaking; without thinking anything he dropped her to washroom.

Shiv: your sanitary pads are in same cabinet you used to keep previously.

Earlier he was wondering after shopping grocery thinking why he shopped sanitary pads when Anika isn't with him but now he understand; he shopped them for her as her coming back into his life is already written into his stars.

He handovers her his one t-shirt with shorts before she can asked he told her the cabinet have some extra inners for her as well along with pads.

Before she could come back after changing he himself changed sheets so that she can relax...she came out to seeing him fixing new sheet.

Ani: i am really sorry Shivay...i don't know how it happened?...she said looking down may be she is embarrassed. 

Shiv: Anika...are you embarrassed?... he asked making her sit on bed.

Ani: i am ashamed of myself...i don't know how but i don't realised this, i am sorry you must be feeling me dirty...she sobbed.

Shiv: no jaanu...i am not...i cannot feel this thing dirty and no need to feel ashamed of should be proud of it baby...periods are blessings to women, even nature celebrates the motherhood every month in women without fail then why can't we?...he asked cupping her face...till now she stopped crying and listening his point of view.

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