He left his dick in me for several seconds while he collected his breath, "God damn, I'll never get tired of that." He told me, as he brushed a piece of hair off my forehead, tucking it behind my ear.

I leaned back, feeling satiated as I gave him a soft smile.  As he pulled out a minute later, his come came spilling out of me. He reached down, using his two fingers to shove his stuff back up inside, "If that doesn't knock you up, I don't know what will." He told me, and I let out a laugh, "I'm surprised I'm not knocked up by the way we've been going at it." I laugh, "We've been like two teenagers."

He gave me a kiss on the forehead, then I watched as he placed his dick back in his pants and zipped himself back up. He then got some paper towels from the broken dispenser and wet them down, cleaning me up as well, and when he was almost done I smiled at him, "Let's go get ice cream and go home to our cats."

He looked back up to meet my eyes, "You want to leave our wedding parties alone to go get ice cream?" He asked, raising an eye brown and I slowly nodded, "Mhm."

At my confirmation, he picked me up from the counter and placed me back on my feet. We left the family bathroom and on our way out, we walked by Miles and Gia, "Hey!" Miles yelled out, "Where are you guys going?"

"Out." Vaughn clipped out, and I couldn't help but laugh at his serious attitude over ice cream.

Soon after leaving, we got to the ice cream parlor and I sent Vaughn in to get the goods. A few minutes later he came out with my Nutella milkshake, and like the freakish weirdo Vaughn is, he got a scoop of vanilla. Just a plain scoop of vanilla. Not even in a freaking waffle cone, just a cake cone for God's sake!

After spending the whole car ride home teasing him about his ice cream choice, he decided he still wanted to be around me, even though I was "acting annoying" about his preferences. So we sat out on the dock.

I was sitting in between his legs, leaned back onto his chest while I was looking out over the vast lake. I was so happy that I was actually able to see it now that Vaughn had lights installed on the dock for me, while Beans, one of Penelope's babies, was out there with us.

We had been silent for a few minutes when I looked up at Vaughn, "How many kids do you want?" I asked, pretty much out of nowhere.

Vaughn didn't hesitate for but a second, "How many are you willing to give me?" He winked, and I felt my heart, and vagina, clench a lil' bit.

"I don't know, maybe four?" I debated on my answer, and gave a shrug, "Possibly five but I guess I could work with six." I told him, and he looked over toward me, probably thinking I was nutty for wanting that many kids.

"I'm an only child," I explained, even though I knew he already knew that, "And I always wanted siblings, so I don't want just one. I want a big family, neither of us come from big families so I want at least a hundred of us by the time we're grandparents. I want us to run the world." I told him, mostly joking around.

I listened as Vaughn let out a laugh, "What you are talking about is called world domination, and it's typically frowned upon." He told me, and I mockingly narrowed my eyes, "Sounds like you're against it."

"Never." He he ran his hand up my calf, giving me a little squeeze, when I asked my next question, "Do you want a boy or girl?"

He let out a half smile, "Easy. Both."

"Yeah, but what do you want first go around? Who gets messed up first, our son or daughter?"

"It doesn't matter to me," He shrugged, and I frowned at him, "You're not being fun."

"I guess I wouldn't mind having a little girl first." He relented, and I felt my heart soften, "You'd be a good girl dad. You got the whole 'whatever you do to my daughter I'll do to you' thing going on." I laughed, and he turned back to me, "What about you?"

"I always figured I'd have girls. I wouldn't know what to do with boys, Mr Beamount, so you better not give me any." I narrowed my eyes, and he twisted my engagement ring around my finger, "I'll try my hardest, my love."

"Hey, I got a question," I asked him, and he furrowed his brows, "What?"

"When'd you figure out you like biting?"

He wrapped his fingers around my forehead, pulling my head backwards, "Stop talking."

I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face if I wanted too.

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