Chapter 29

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It's been a rollercoaster since Sasuke began to work from home.
First: he wasn't so great at staying in his study and working with Naruto and the children downstairs.
Second: Daiki liked to climb the stairs and go to Sasukes study seeing the door was usually opened
Third: Narutos belly has grown large since June
Fourth: Menmas first birthday is in two days
Fifth: Tsunade said Naruto was carrying triples (which was what Naruto was afraid of and had another mini-panic attack)
Sixth: Sakura has been blowing up Sasukes, Narutos and the home phone with different numbers each time Sasuke blocked her.

So now it was November 5th. Menmas first birthday was in two days, Naruto had been put on bed arrest seeing how quickly he's developed and Tsunade still doesn't know if he's pregnant with omegas or alphas/betas. Like with Sana and Daiki, it was extremely hard to tell until they were born.

Sasuke picked Menma up before he could run into the coffee table. He sighed. With three walking children it was extremely hard to keep up with all of them.
Naruto sat on the couch, having argued about being locked inside their room until the babies were born. The omega smiled up from his book and Menma wiggled and squirmed in Sasukes arms like a ferret or, hell, a snake.

"Do you need-"
"No." Sasuke glared at Naruto and he giggled.
Sasuke put Menma in the play pin with the twins and sat on the couch beside Naruto, the omega looked at him.
"Wh-at?" Sasuke groaned.
There always seemed to be something they needed to do. Naruto laughed and gripped Sasukes hand reassuringly.
"We need to go get two toddler beds and a crib."
Sasuke slid from the couch and Naruto laughed as the alpha ran his hands over his face.
"Can't that wait until the babies are born?"
"No Sasuke. Unlike Menma and the twins, we can't put three babies in one crib. But seeing the twins like to climb out of their cribs now, we only need one more crib."
The alpha sighed and leaned his head back on the couch. Naruto ran his fingers through the raven locks.
"Do you want me to call Yuki and Samui to help?"
"I never thought I'd say this, but yes, god yes call those annoying shits."
Naruto giggled and grabbed his phone.

He scrolled through his contacts until he landed on Samuis number and pressed call. The phone began to ring as he put it to his ear and kept massaging Sasukes head.

"Samui it's me."
"Hm? Naru-nii? What's up, you never call."
"Well I try not to intrude on your life." Naruto giggled. "But Sasuke and I need your and Yukis help."
"Uh-oh. What did that bastard do?"
Naruto rolled his eyes. "Nothing. Sasuke did nothing." The alpha looked up. He knew Samui was talking shit about him, that was their whole damn relationship. "We just need your and Yukis help with a crib and a bed or two."
"... what the hell do you need a crib and two beds for?"
"Daiki and Sana have learned to climb out of their cribs and I'm having triplets."
Naruto pulled his phone away and Sasuke looked at him confused. He put the phone back to his ear when he knew Samui wouldn't yell again.
"Yes I'm having triplets. So... can you two come help?"
Samui sighed and Naruto could hear his distant yelling.

"Naru-nii needs our help!"
"With what?!"
"Beds!.. for our nephews!"
Yuki came out of wherever he was, his voice now clearer over the phone. "Can Eiji come?"
"Your not leaving him either way."
Naruto smiled.
"Good point. Eiji get dressed we're going to Naru-nii's!"
"You mean Narutos?!"
"Yeah.. that's what I said don't repeat me!"
Eiji's laugh drifted through the phone and Sasuke looked at Naruto even more confused when he giggled.
"We'll be there in an hour or two. Tell that bastard of yours to get dressed."
"Okay I'll tell my bastard to get dressed."
Sasuke rolled his eyes. Samui hung up and Naruto put the phone down.
"They agreed."
"No." Sasuke breathed sarcastically.
Naruto laughed as Sasuke rolled his eyes. The alpha stood and kissed Naruto.
"Get plain, simple beds and the same crib okay? Don't mess this up."
"I won't."
"Keep the receipt just incase."
Sasuke sighed but nodded.

By the time Samui, Yuki and Eiji walked into the residence of the five Uchihas plus three unborn. It was around 3:00.
Eiji hugged Naruto and crouched of feel his covered belly as Samui and Yuki waited for Sasuke.

"Come on dumbass! We don't have all day!"
Sasuke put the middle finger around the wall before he emerged from the right side of the stairs. "I had work asshole."
"Doesn't mean you inconvenience others."
Sasuke rolled his eyes and kissed Naruto. "We'll be back soon."
"Call if you need anything."
"I've got Eiji to help me. I'll be just fine."
Eiji smiled when Sasuke looked at him. Sasuke nodded and walked to the door. He put his sneakers on and followed the Uzumaki twins out.

"So... that's really their relationship huh?"
Naruto sighed and nodded. "It used to be worse when Sasuke and I were in high school."
Eiji nodded and sat on the couch. "I heard Menmas birthday is in two days. Are you doing anything special?"
"We're going to throw a birthday party. Miko already said she'd take care of it.. well seeing my situation."
"You look perfect."
"I was put on bed arrest."
"Oh... how far along are you?"
"Five months."
Eiji looked surprised and Naruto nodded.
"Tsunade said there's a low chance of me carrying even one omega." He sighed. "So as to not put any strain on my body I have to be a sitting potato."
Eiji giggled. "It seems to run in the family to have multiple children at once."
"Yes it is." Naruto gave a few pats to Eijis head. "Don't worry Yukis a great care taker."
He blushed but smiled at Narutos reassurance.

"Okay so one crib and two toddler beds." Yuki muttered.
"Don't let Uchiha pick them out."
"I know what Narutos looking for."
"Sure ya do."
Sasuke rolled his eyes.

Two women stopped when they saw the three alpha males looking over cribs and toddler beds. They giggled and Samui looked over with Sasuke.

"What the hell are they laughing about?"
"Your outfit."
Sasuke smacked Samuis head and pulled the crib out from the shelf. It was the same one they had gotten three times now.
"Oh cool look at this Mario kart bed!"
"Yuki we're not shopping for you."
"Sadly. If Eiji let me, our room would be decked in video games."
"Your twos apartment is already decked in video games."
"It is our career." Samui grunted.
Yuki pointed to two pale blue beds. "You think Naruto will approve of these ones?"
Samui hummed.

"Who's Naruto? Another one of your friends?"
The three looked behind them to see the two women who had been giggling at them before.
"No. Narutos our brother and his mate." Yuki pointed to them as he explained.
"Oh.." one of the women smiled. She walked up and latched onto Yukis arm. "So your free?" She giggled.
Samui glared and pushed her away from his twin. "No. He's taken, he has a mate."
The first women pouted. "Boo. Two of the three alphas are taken Cho."
The second women (Cho) smiled. "I don't see why that matters. You can just have.. some fun." She pressed herself against Sasukes arm and he glared down st her.
"Back away bitch."
"Rawr. You have claws." She flirted.
Sasuke shoved her away and grabbed one of the two pale blue beds. Yuki quickly grabbed the second and put it into the cart.
The women pouted. "Are you leaving?"
"Because of your fat asses."
They gasped as Samui pushed his glasses up. Sasuke pushed the cart away and Yuki quickly grabbed a mattress for the crib.

"Fucking whores." The Uchiha alpha breathed.
"Mommy diggers is what that is." Samui grumbled. "I've seen it before with Itsuki. His ex-lover fell "in love" with a beta who slowly pushed him out of the picture of his children."
Yuki scrunched his nose. "That's why you mate before having children."
"Some women just don't care." Samui shrugged. "Mated or not some mates aren't as loyal as.. oh wait no I can't use you as an example."
Sasuke glared at Samui. "High school asshole. Fucking high school."
"Still." Samui argued.
Yuki sighed as the two began to bicker with crap insults a junior high student would use.

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