"Hello? Did y'all hear me?" he stated back in frustration at them ignoring him.

"Yoongi?" guessed Taehyung who kept playing as well.

"Why would Yoongi-hyung be texting a guy?" Hobi asked in confusion.

"I don't know; go ask him," replied Tae once more.

"Since y'all aren't listening, I'll go and tell Joonie that one of his friends is out there texting and asking Y/n out for dinner tonight," stated Hobi before turning around to leave with a smirk after seeing all of them look up quickly at that.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" questioned Jungkook after dropping his controller and running up to stop Hobi from walking out of Jimin's room.

"Did I say that out loud?" Hobi replied playing dumb.

"Yes, you did. Now say it again," stated Tae who had now put his own controller down.

"Noona is out there texting Jackson. She said he wants to take her out to dinner tonight," Hobi said in response to the three sets of eyes eyeing him.

"When did they become so close?" Jungkook questioned. Hobi didn't miss the slight hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Let her tell it, they text all the time. They exchanged numbers when she did the choreography for Got7 back when we first met her," stated Hobi.

"What if they start dating? Where will that leave us and our arrangement?" Jimin asked as the three maknaes all looked at each other.

Hobi could tell the three mischievous boys' wheels were spinning with a plot to separate Y/n from Jackson before they even have a chance of getting together.

"Well, we just have to make sure she never makes it to that dinner," spoke Jungkook as they all agreed.

"Guys, we can't interfere in her personal life like this," Hobi tried to intervene, but they all just looked at him.

"Weren't you the one who ran in here to us to tell us what she said? Now you want to act like you don't mind if she starts dating Jackson. I don't like to share unless it's with you guys, so Jackson has got to go. Besides, me and Tae hyung haven't had our turns yet and neither has Namjoon hyung. Even if we had, I still wouldn't want to share her," pouted Jungkook. They all knew what the maknae wanted, the maknae got. If he wanted Jackson out of the way, he'd get him out of the way.

"Ok, I did purposefully come in here to let you guys know, so how do you plan to do it?" Hobi questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Between the three of us, I'm sure we'll think of something," smiled Jungkook evilly. Jimin and Taehyung just laughed at him, but agreed, nonetheless. The trio's game was long forgotten. Hobi laughed and turned away to leave.

"Guys, we can't share noona. What are we going to do? Jackson is a charmer, so if he likes her, he has a chance," confessed Jimin as the other two agreed.

"He's our friend and all, but noona is like BTS's friend with benefits...I've got an idea," started Jungkook. He proceeded to tell them his plan.

Jimin walked into the living room area. Y/n was watching something on TV. He went and sat down by her.

"Hey Chim," she smiled up at him. "Where you been?" she asked.

"Playing video games with Tae and Kookie. But Kookie all of a sudden wasn't feeling too good. He said he was a little nauseous," lied Jimin.

"Really, is he ok now?" Y/n questioned sitting up in concern.

"Not sure, he went to his room about 15 minutes ago," Jimin stated a lie once more.

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