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I feel an awful headache the second I come back to reality

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I feel an awful headache the second I come back to reality. Opening my eyes, I try to let them adjust to the light. It's pretty cold here. As soon as I got back to myself I look around and was just about to touch my pounding head but my hand was stopped midway.

I looked down to the reason why I can't bring my hand higher up than to my ribs and saw that my left hand was chained.

That's when I realized what happened. I was sedated yesterday. Horror fills me as I look around again. I am sitting on a cold cement floor. Leaning against a pillar. The chain my hand is in is cemeted into the floor. My first instinct was to grab my phone to call someone but I was interrupted by the sound of someone tsking.

"Ah, ah. You thought I would let you have your phone near you when you wake up?" No. This can't be happening. My whole body shivers at the familiar voice. It didn't take long for this person to show himself. There he stood. Right in front of me.

"Samuel? What the hell are you doing?" My cousin let a humorless laugh escape his lips as he looks at me. "I am making you think straight again." Confusion is plastered on my face as I look to the spot he walks to. There's a camera set up directly in front of us. Samuel presses a button and a red little light appears. He is filming us.

"What do you mean with that? Why am I chained?" Sam lets a hand of his go though his hair as he looks at me, nostrils flaring. "I couldn't talk to you with your overprotective boyfriend being around you all the time. So I needed a plan to have you all by myself."

"For what?" I was terrified in this moment. "Don't you feel it, Nevaeh?" He asks me, sounding nothing but desperate. "Feel what?" "Don't you feel the tension between us? The love we hold for each other?" All the air that was in my body escaped at his confession.

"You can't be serious. You're my cousin, Samuel!" The man gets on his knees in front of me and tries to grab my face. I jerk away immediately and look at him with nothing but fear. "We're not blood related, baby, remember? Your real dad's in jail. The one you never talked to even though it was his only wish the entire time he had to be in there to hear from his daughter." How would he know that?

"Let me go." I demand, feeling my heart pound in my chest. "You know that your dad is one of my best friends now, Nevaeh? I was his only visitor. The only one who paid him visits every week ever since I turned eighteen years. I told him about my feelings for you.... Told him about your relationship with that man. So your dad found out some informations about Nathaniel and decided that I would be the better man for you. The better brother."

The word brother made me gasp. Samuel laughed again. "Yeah. That's how I reacted too, Nev. Nathaniel and Caleb are my brothers. My dad is their dad." The tears were just running at this point. He was about to wipe them away but I beat him to it again. "Don't touch me," I spat out. That's probably why he acted so weird about uncle John on Marie's wedding.

Samuel scowled at me and then took a seat in front of me. "I think that it's crazy how fast you fall in love with someone. He may be an asshole but he just has to be affectionate to you and plant a baby inside you for you to kneel at his feet. Fall head over heels for him." He stayed quiet for a moment before he smiled at me and spoke.

"It's even crazier to think what homeless people are agreeing to do as soon as you offer them a hundred dollars for them to waste the money on drugs," It took me some time to realize. But when I did, a sob broke free.

"You don't understand! I have to do this!" Were the words of the man who robbed me. The man who killed my baby. "No you didn't," I whispered. He wouldn't do that. He wouldn't be that cruel.

"You know? I would've been okay with raising a kid that's not mine as long as I would have you for myself. But then Logan told me that that would never be the case. That you two would always be connected with each other because you have a daughter." I felt sick to my stomach. "I needed a plan. So Logan searched and don't ask me how- I have no idea- he met Andrea Parker. She was sick of having to share her husband. It was like a win-win situation for all of us. And here we are. You're with me. Andrea is probably with Nathaniel and everyone's happy."

He must be even more crazy to think that we would be happy. My sobs made it very much noticeable that I was anything but happy. Samuel killed my daughter. "I was in love with you since I have been ten fucking years old. You never realized it so I had to do something about it. And I know how stubborn you can be. So I have to keep you here under my watch until you have your eyes opened and see that I am the better choice."

I just arrived in Chicago and was on my way to the Carter's house

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I just arrived in Chicago and was on my way to the Carter's house. I just wanted to make sure that everything was alright. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that we have to bury our daughter tomorrow but sooner or later I might have to see that I can't change a fucking thing about it.

I didn't even get the chance to get out of my car. Ryan and Kiara were already running out of the front door to my car. "Nathaniel," Kiara's says, sounding out of breath. "Is she with you?" Ryan asks me, worry etching his voice.

"Nevaeh?" I ask them and receive a nod from both of them. "I haven't seen her since she moved back here, why?" "We haven't seen or heard from her in almost two days, Nathaniel." Kiara says, causing alarm noises to errupt in my mind. "And you didn't fucking do anything about it?" I ask them, sounding angrier than I planned.

"Hey, watch your mouth, alright?" Ryan interrupts, putting me back into my place. "I thought that maybe you guys agreed to talk about everything. I thought you two just wanted to figure things out before her funeral and I thought she wants to be unbothered during that. She doesn't answer her phone and if she's not with you then where is our baby?" Kiara cries out. Yeah. I am asking myself the same questions. Where the fuck is my woman?


Didn't see that coming huh

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