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We've been in mom's car not even two minutes after my shock

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We've been in mom's car not even two minutes after my shock. Mom didn't bother to do anything else but lock the door to the gallery before she jumped into the car with me.

She drove as fast as possible as I clutched my stomach, trying to bear the pain and the panic. Mom dialed my dads numer on the car's display and waits for him to pick up the phone, hoping he does because he's at work. "Baby, right now is not a good time. There's-"

"Ryan?" She says being on the verge of tears. Dad immediately stills, the tone in his voice changing as soon as he hears the panic in mom's voice. "What's going on Kiara? Are you okay?"

"I'm on the way to the hospital right now," "What? Why? Are you okay?" I can taste how worried my dad is right now. "Yeah. I'm okay, I- it's Nevaeh." "What's with Nevaeh, baby?" "You- you have to come to the hospital. Someone robbed her and now... she's bleeding, Ryan."

Mom tried everything to not start crying. To stay strong for me. Because that's what she does. She's strong for the people she loves.

Dad knows that too and knows she can't talk any more. "I'm on my way," he tells her and then ends the call.

A sharp pain spreads trough my whole body, coating my forehead with sweat and making my body tremble. "Mom?" I ask her, tears running down my cheeks. "Yeah?" She answers.

"Is this what it feels like? Am I losing my baby?" My chest tightens at the thought of losing my child. Mom's face pales and fresh tears float her eyes as she grabs my thigh. "I don't know baby," she tells me with all honesty.

I draw in a sharp breath as I hiccup on my next one. "It's going to be okay, Nevaeh. You hear me?"
She tried to calm me down during the ride to the hospital but the closer we were, the more settled this awful thought of not being able to leave this facility without my baby.

We arrived at the hospital. I gained all my strength and got out of the car without breaking down. Mom rushed away to get a wheelchair and ran into the building as soon as I was seated.

Nurses came rushing to me, asking what happened. When it happened. God, please just look if she is okay. Please.

"Mrs. Carter?" The nurse got me out of my thoughts with kneeling down in front of me, giving me a kind smile. "I'm Aila. We will get you checked up right now so we can do what can be done, okay?" I just nodded my head.

My mind tried to erase all the things that were bad and replaced them with the thoughts that maybe I am able to go home with her. God, I wonder what her eye color is. Would she have mine? I hated my eyes until a few years ago. They reminded me of my father which made me hate them.

Aila got me into a room where they probably did the checkup, asked me if I am able to sit on the bed and lift my shirt up. It took me some time due to the pain in my right side but I eventually got in, lifting my shirt where the next shock followed.

I fell on the hard street floor with so much force, my right side was covered in a dark blue/purple bruise. It went up until a little over the beginning of my rib cage, until all the way down into my pants.

More and more doctors and nurses gathered up around us and did what they had to do before everyone really flew into action. "Room eleven is empty. Get her in there immediately," an older doctor told everyone and I felt another wave of panic run over me.

"What? What are you going to do?" I ask, trying to sit up in the bed they made me lay in but they gently pushed me down again. "Mrs. Carter. We will have to make an emergency c-section right in this moment,"

Tears flowed down my face as choked sobs filled the room. I was shaking my head over and over again, looking where mom stood when they moved me out of the current room. "Mom," I croaked. "I'm right here, baby,"

Right in this moment I realized what was going to happen. The realization felt like another, harder shove into my gut so that not even mom was able to calm me. "Nate. I need Nate, mom. Please," I begged her. "Please don't let me have her alone. I need him to be here,"

"Kiara!" Dad's voice was only a few feet away from us when I heard him tunningy in our direction. Dad immediately grabbed mom's hand to soothe her and bent over the bed to look at me, worry written all over his features. "What is going on?" He asks.

"They are getting her," I whispered. Dad looked over to mom while he held me. "I will go inside with her," he said as he watched Mom shaking her head. "I can't let her go in there alone, I-" Dad let go of me for a short moment to grab mom's face. "She's not alone when I'm with her. You don't have to go through this again, Kiara."

Mom squeezed her eyes closed as she took a shaky breath. "I can't stay out here and do nothing," she whispered, probably hoping I wouldn't hear it. "Jaxon will be here any minute. You won't be alone. I won't let you see this,"

They muttered a few more words before dad turned to me and kissed my forehead. "I'll be right my your side, you hear me?" I know. He always is. "I need Nate," I don't know if anyone heard it but dad. I felt how he nodded his head, even let a tear escape as he kissed the same spot again. "I know, princess." That was the last thing he said in the hallway before they started moving me.

They put me in the hospital gown and situated me beneath all the lights and machines. Nurses and doctors once again gathered up around me and hung a blue cloth above me. It went down on both my sides just underneath my breasts so I couldn't see my belly.

They already sedated me. Gave me an injection so my lower body turns numb and they could start. I felt a pressure in my lower stomach, going from the right side a little bit further to the left. Not painful. I just feel that there is something going on.

Dad's hand clutched mine the whole time. It felt like hours we were in there even though it was probably only minutes.

The people in the room were talking to each other, telling the other one what to do or what to get. I already knew what was going on when suddenly the whole room went quiet.

I still waited for her to start crying. God, I waited for those cries. I waited for movement. For smiles on the doctors faces.

When neither of those things happened, I knew the doctor looked down at my baby in his arms.
At my forever silent baby.


Just made myself cry.

I am so sorry.

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