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We landed early in the morning the next day

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We landed early in the morning the next day. Nevaeh's family told us they would pick us up at the airport and then help us get our things into the hotel room we rented for the week.

The hotel is only about five minutes to walk away from their house and the wedding location is in the same area.

We decided to rent a hotel room because we figured the two bathrooms in Vaeh's parent's house wouldn't be enough for five people to get ready for the wedding so Nevaeh and I would have our own bathroom and as much time as we needed to get ready.

Also Nevaeh didn't want her parents being witnesses of her mood swings. They have gotten better but they sometimes still get the best of her.

So as we got out of the plane, hand in hand we left our gate and already saw the three of them standing there. They all had smiles plastered on their faces as soon as they saw us and I could feel my heart swell at the sight. Those people have gotten really important to me because they show me that I am a part of their family.

Nevaeh first squeezed my hand and then let go of it to hug her parents and brother. After that they came to say hi to me. "How was your flight?" Kiara asks us as she brings her arm around Ryan's waist. "It was okay. The plane wasn't too full so it was rather quiet," Vaeh told them.

"Do you want to head straight to our place or do you prefer to drop your stuff off at the hotel first?" Ryan asks, taking the bag Nevaeh was holding. We decided to bring the stuff to the hotel and then head over to their place.

The weather was amazing today and so would it be tomorrow on Marie's wedding. I was excited to meet the rest of her family. Kiara and Ryan told us on our way to their house that Kiara's sister Amy and her family would come over for some time today. I was looking forward to that.

Nevaeh fell asleep as soon as we left the hotel again after checking in. She sat in the middle of the backseats, me to her right and Jaxon sitting on her left side. Her head was leaned against my shoulder and I already felt the little puddle of drool forming on my shirt.

She's amazing. She's doing amazing in her pregnancy and is already a fucking amazing mother and I can't wait to see her in action with our daughter.

We pulled into their driveway what made her wake up so she followed us inside and straight out into the backyard they have behind their house. It's a beautiful place.

Ryan purchased it soon after Jaxon was born because the old one they lived in wasn't big enough. This one is a similar build to the one they showed me in pictures just that this one is even more modern. It suits them.

Nevaeh took a seat next to me, leaned herself into my side as my arm went around her and onto her belly to secure her to my body, craving her warmth. They all take a seat on the louge next to us and start the conversation.

We talked for hours. Then at noon Amy and her family came and left after some more hours. It was already dark outside but still pretty warm. We had some candles lit up on the table and blankets as we had the best conversations.

Kiara and Ryan shared a blanket and so did Nevaeh and I. Jaxon went inside to call someone where we all knew who he was talking to. He told me him self he was seeing a girl but didn't want to make a big deal out of it so I didn't do it either. I am happy he told me something about him in the first place.

They talked about stories of Vaeh and Jaxon growing up and the holidays they made together, letting the evening be filled with laughter and even more of it. "I think I am going to go to bed now," Kiara told us as she yawned loudly, causing Nevaeh to do the same. She looked up to me with halfway closed eyes, smiling lightly. "You want to leave?" She asked me. Kiara gives us her car while we are staying here so there would be no problem to leave. "If you want to," I told her.

"Nevaeh?" We heard Jaxon ask from the sliding door behind us. She turned around to face her brother and waited for him to talk. "Could I ask for your opinion on something?" He asked, almost sounding shy. "Of course," my girlfriend got out of her position and walked over to Jax where they disappeared into the house right after that. Kiara left shortly after that what left me and Ryan alone outside.

The man groaned as he got out a pack of cigarettes, getting one out for himself before he slides the pack over to me. I watch him light it and take his first drag. "Didn't know you smoke," I said, taking my own.

All of a sudden, there was a huge smile on his face as he looked into the distance. "Don't let my girls know about that," he warned me in a joking way.

"You seem to make her pretty happy," he said after some time of complete silence. I looked over to the man. "She makes me happy, too."

It seemed to be a pleasing answer for him. "I never thought that girl would make me a grandfather at the age of fucking fourty-two. But I don't want it to be any other way because I see that this is what she wants. Make her stay the way she is now and don't allow her to be upset. You have to take my place by taking her pain away from things, you hear me?"

"I do," I tell him. And I fucking mean it. "Good," he tells me with a smile. "Now finish your cigarette and then bring her to the hotel. She's tired,"


Next chapters are going to me more interesting I promise!

Love you!

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