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It's friday

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It's friday. Nathaniel and I haven't continued anything or done anything close to what happened that sunday. We have been on a professional base but I could still feel his eyes on me every free seconds during training.

I have met Caleb two times this week. We have had a great time together. I don't know why but I feel drawn to both of them because they are so different. Caleb is the sweet caring guy.

I know that Nathaniel isn't a bad human. I saw it the last weekend. He just struggles to show his emotions and that is okay. I am willing to help him with that if he lets me.

I want to see more of the Nathaniel I got to see that weekend. Even more now that I really have the confirmation that he exists.

He has been collected, grumpy and bossy for the whole week. Nothing new. But it didn't annoy me. Not at all. The only thing I could think of was the memory of his lips and his hands on me.

He was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Nathaniel and I exchanged some looks, showing how bad we both wanted each other. He did especially. His eyes turned dark, his jaw was clenched along with his finsts on his sides everytime he looked at me.

Practice was almost over for today. That didn't mean that we could relax or take a break for the last five minutes.

No. Nathaniel told us to do our weekly sprints on the treadmills we had to do every friday before the weekend. He always said it would make a good end for the week and would bring us to our limits one last time before being able to relax properly.

All of our hard breathings, the sound of shoes coming down on the treadmill got interrupted by his familiar clap, telling us training was over. "Alright, guys, that's it! See you on Monday. Carter, a word please."

Of course. Maybe he got his asshole behavior back for a second and is about to tell me that my sprint wasn't fast enough. I waited for everyone else to leave the room and then placed my hands on my hips before walking over to him.

"What is it, Parker. I actually have a lot t-" he cut me off by grabbing my neck and pulling me to his mouth. It's the first kiss of ours since sunday and the feeling of his full lips on mine make me whimper a little before I melt into him and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Fuck, Carter, you have no idea how much I wanted to do this the whole week." He says inbetween kisses and licks over my lips. His hands move from the small of my back to my rib cage where he moves his thumbs over the swell of my breasts. It drives me crazy when he does that.

"You could've done it the whole time. Nothing was stopping you, Parker." I intensify the grip around his neck and pull him even more towards me. "I wanted to wait for the right moment to taste you again." He admits, making my body feel a little tug in my chest.

I pull away a little and smile up at him as I move my hands through his hair. "You're turning soft." I try to say in a mocking way. He grips me a little firmer and presses me flush against him.

"Trust me when I tell you that no part of me is ever soft around you." His words make me notice the hardness against my stomach and the man was not wrong. I groan into his lips and groan even more when he bites my lower lip and sucks it into his mouth. "Especially not when you are wearing clothes like those. You drive me insane."

I noticed the looks he gave me today. My sport set reveals very much cleavage and I love it. I feel good in it. And he likes it too.

Nathaniel lets go of me all of a sudden, leaving me flushed, hot and cold at the same time. He gets his phone out of his pocket, types something on it and then, when he puts it away, my phone pings with a message.

It's from him, an address. "What is this?" "That's my address. I want you to be there tonight at eight. You understand?" It wasn't a question. He didn't ask me if I want to come to his place. He commanded it.

But he didn't have to ask. I would've said yes either way if I am being honest. I am in a situation where I wouldn't say no to anything that man tells me. He has me in a literal choke hold.

He seems possessive and then he's not. He is like something you can't not think about. He is the complete opposite to his brother but I think this is the reason why I can't bring myself to choose one of them. Not that I have to of course.

Even Jaxon and I have more in common compared to those two. They look alike. But that's it.

Both men are absolutely beautiful. Gorgeous. Nathaniel with his sharp features, his body like it belongs to a greek god. His hair is a little darker and he his taller than Caleb. I love beards. I love the way it makes men look.

I love the way it makes Nathaniel look. This man's appearance and looks describe his personality. I have never seen one disrespect that man. Never seen someone not doing what he says except for me. It makes me even a little proud when I think about the fact that I am the only one that has the balls to stand up to him even tho that man is a good nine inches taller than me.

He pulls me to him once more, pats my ass and kisses me in a soft way. "Now get that pretty ass of yours home. I will see you tonight, right?" He grabs my face and cups it with his massive hands what causes me to melt into his touch immediately. "Yeah. You will."


I love Nathaniel. Disagree with me as much as you want.

Anyway love you!!

And can we talk about the fact that I made it 20 parts into the story and they haven't even had sex yet? Like Delilah and Mason and Kiara and Ryan confessed their love around part twenty of their stories hahhahaha.

I'm kinda proud.

This story is far away from an end let me tell you that. So much more is still happening ahhhhhhh

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