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I am hungover. But damn, that face he made when he saw Caleb and me will be worth all of the headache I have today. The tension I felt as soon as he was in the room was unbelievable.

I had to tease him. Ever since I met him I have the urge to fight him and to make him mad. Just like it seems with him. He seems to have the exact same intentions as I do.

This man is probably the most attractive human I have ever seen to walk on this earth, but damn did he have a big ego.

I have to admit that the things he said in the shooting hall and as he kind of mentioned my biological father affected me. But just like Amber said. This just made want to drive him crazy more and more.

I want to make him mad just how made he makes me that he is the reason for my body having such reactions by even hearing his voice. How much I liked it that he watched me having sex with another man- with his brother.

I loved to see him fighting himself to leave. I saw the fury in his eyes. I saw how badly he wanted to leave but couldn't because it seemed like his feet were glued to the floor and he forced himself to watch even tho he didn't want to.

The look in his eyes showed me that this would have consequences. Especially after me getting even louder as soon as I saw the person watching us.

I felt dirty. God I felt so good. Back in Chicago, I always was the little girl with good grades and a perfect family.

Only my family and Amber knew that there was some fire in me that I would let out as soon as I was in New York.

We're running right now. The nine miles that normally aren't that bad seem like the worst torture you can imagine. It's burning hot outside, my hangover makes it even worse and Parker is running right beside me.

So I can't slow down. Because I would simply pass out if I would have to run all of this for a second time today. Taking a short look to my right, I see him running next to me.

He is so much taller and makes this run look like we just started it two minutes ago even tho we're almost done. That man has a body to die for and an incredible stamina when it comes to sports. And I hate myself for thinking about the other things he might be able to do with this stamina....

He must have noticed me staring and also notices me getting slower and slower. Nathaniel releases a scoff, shakes his head lightly as he leaves me behind and continues running while I slow down. I'm about to pass out.

Amber went home with the guy she met last night and didn't drink that much than I did. She seemed to be perfectly fine but stays behind with me.


The running was done and I never got my stuff together faster to finally go into my bed and sleep until the next day. But I could've already known myself that what he said yesterday would be true.

"You're staying." He tells me, takes my bag out of my hands and throws his thumb over his shoulder to the training room. He waited a few minutes until everyone left and then joined me.

"And what are we doing here?" I ask him with both of my hands on my hips, watching everything he does. Watching as he closes the door behind him and as he moved to do pull-ups.

"You're going to do the exact same thing that I do. And believe me, Carter. You're going to do it or I won't let you go from here until it's midnight. I wasn't bluffing about what I told you yesterday. You should already know that I never do."

And with that he waited for me and I'm sure he even thought about me talking back at him. But I didn't. I was just too tired and tried my best to hide how attracted I am to this man.

So we startd doing pull-ups. He seems to be more human than usually today. Thirty pull-ups, fifty push-ups and many punches on the punchbag. Sweat was running down my body as if it were waterfalls and my sight became dizzy sometimes. He must notice these moments because he always tells me to stop before I literally faint.

After two hours, he finally told me to go take a shower.

The hot water cascading down my body, relaxing my sore muscles and makes me close my eyes when I hear a door opening. These shower rooms are for men and women. And Parker is the only one in this area besides me. So he must be the one who just got in here and turned on the shower right behind me...

I would see him as soon as I turned around. So I want to turn around? Yes. Am I afraid of what I will see? Absolutely.

I don't turn around fully. I just move my head over my shoulder and look him straight in the eyes. The eye contact is intense as always and it makes me clench my thighs together.

His hair is on his forehead from the water running over his head as he just stands there. I would see everything of him if my eyes just moved a little bit. He already saw everything from my backside.

I wanted to look. I really did... but I couldn't bring myself there. Too afraid for a sound to escape me as soon as I see what he was hiding under his pants all the time. So I chose against looking.

Turning off the shower, I wrap a white towel around my body and was just about to leave when I saw from the corner of my eyes how he also put a towel around his hip.

"Next time you listen to what I say, alright?" He asks me. I don't see him so I let ouft a scoff. "Or what? You going to spank me because my perfect parents didn't?" I ask him back.

I can't even think about what just happened until I feel my back pressed against the cold tiled wall as one of his big hands is wrapped around my throat, lightly adding pressure on the sides.

The way he looks at me makes me not want to look at him for the first time. But I brush it aside and continue looking. His body is hard. I feel it because his chest is pressed flush against mine. "Or I will be much harder on you..." it almost sounds like a threat.

My nostrils widen and my jaw clenches from all the frustration building inside me. "Bite me, Parker."

Is the last thing I say before I use all my strength to shove him off of me and leave.


God I love the tension between these two

What do you think?

Love youuuu<3

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