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Nathaniel walked me over to the dance floor and takes one hand of mine in his while his other one wraps around my waist

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Nathaniel walked me over to the dance floor and takes one hand of mine in his while his other one wraps around my waist. My free hand goes to his shoulder before he starts swaying us in a steady rythm.

He's an amazing dancer even though he says he's not. I watch the other guests come to the dance floor while my head is resting against his chest. I watch mom and dad start dancing to the slow song, seeing the adoration for each other written all on their faces. Jaxon is dancing with Amber, seeming to say something that makes my friend laugh.

I feel Nathaniel's heart beating in a steady rhythm, his body heat spreading itself all over me. I look up at him, smiling when I notice that he is the one who is already staring down at me.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he whispers. I lean up on my tiptoes and place a kiss on those lips of his. "I love you. So much," I whisper against his lips, feeling his curve up in a little smile as he continues to dance with me for the rest of the evening.

 So much," I whisper against his lips, feeling his curve up in a little smile as he continues to dance with me for the rest of the evening

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It's almost midnight. Some guests already went home but I can't bring myself to go. Not until I did what I wanted to do. I saw John disappear in an area of the location where no other people would be so I followed slowly and quietly.

I watch how he lights himself a cigarette and blows out the first puff of air, staring at the trees and the silence around him. I approach him, slowly but make myself noticed.

"John Carter, huh?" I say. The man turns around to me and looks at me first. "You're Nevaeh's boyfriend, right?" He asks me with his eyebrows drawn together.

I push my hands into my pants pockets and approach him further and further. "That I am. Beautiful party. You must be proud of your daughter, right, Jonathan?" The name I used for him took him off guard, making him release a nervous chuckle.

"It's actually just John, you know?" The words make me release a tsk as I jerk my head up to look at the starts above us. "Bummer. I could have sworn it was something like Jonathan Parker the last time I saw you,"

The confusion that is written all over his face as soon as I turn to look at him makes me fucking furious. "Who the fuck are you?"

His stupidness causes my chest to pinch together and a scoff makes it's way out of me. "Don't tell me you don't recognize your own son," I say, faking an offensed look while coming closer.

His eyes widen, making me see the hazel tones in them. Jonathan takes a step back every time I take one forward. "Caleb?" He says.

"Wrong. Try again." The man gulps, staring at me as he thinks about his next guess. "Nathaniel?" I point my index finger in his direction, mouthing bingo.

"Took you longer than I expected," My father releases a shaky breath as he rakes one his his hands though his blonde hair. "W-what are you doing here?" He asks me.

"Oh. I usually just wanted to attend a wedding with my girlfriend and visit her parents before she gives birth to my child. Turns out that my girlfriend's cousins are my brother and sister."

The thought of Marie and Samuel being my siblings makes me laugh out loud. "So Matthew is like your second son huh? You completely forgot about your three fucking sons you left back in New York right?"

Jonathan closed his eyes, clenching his jaw, making me think of myself doing the same movement. "I never forgot about the three of you, Nathaniel." That's very fucking hard to believe.

"How are they? Your mother, Caleb and Etha-" I cut him off, not letting him finish his question by punching my fist into his nose, hearing a crack from the impact along with his grunts as he gets shoved against a wall by me.

I grab him by the collar, the same eyes I have looking into mine. Just that his are filled with fear while the only thing I feel is anger. "Don't you dare fucking talk about them! You hear me?!

I am shouting at him so loud it makes me spit a little. Seeing the droplets in his face, I pull him away from the wall and then push him against it again with all my strength. "Nathaniel-" he chokes out.

"He's dead!" I shout, looking him directly in the eyes as he listens to what I say. "He's dead because of you, you sick motherfucker!"

I watched my father trying to connect the things I was saying. He just didn't get it. "What do you mean?" I punched him again, in the same spot. This time, he clutches his nose as blood streams out of it.

"He's dead," The thought makes me tear up. Makes me feel weak but god damn it, it hurts. It hurts so much a sob escapes me just like the first tear does. "And it's your fucking fault. You left us. You left mom dealing with it all."

The disappointment. The fury and the sadness makes me put one hand around his throat and start adding pressure on it. Not to make it dangerous but surely to see him struggle as he tries to take his next breath.

"You," I said, using my other hand to point it in his face. "You ruined our fucking lifes. You ruined mom's life. You ruined Caleb's life. My life. And your actions caused Ethan's death."

I say every word, adding a little more pressure on his throat by the second, seeing him starting to try to get me off of him. Tears were blurring my vision when all I saw was hate as I looked in my father's eyes. In the eyes I saw comfort in when I was a kid.

"I should kill you right there, on your daughter's wedding. But you don't deserve to die and not having to live with any consequences. You will have to spend the rest of your life thinking about the fact that you are the reason why your oldest son isn't on this earth anymore, you hear me? This is your punishment."

I release him and take a step back as I watch him fall to the floor, wheezing as he tries to get some air in his lungs. "Leaving you was the hardest thing I have ever done, Nathaniel,"

I felt the lies coming out of this mouth. The last thing I did was crouching down in front of him, gripping his hair to make him look at me. "And you still did. Because you're nothing but a fucking coward," Shoving him down to the floor again, I get up fix my tie and my jacket before heading in to the bar where I see Ryan sitting on a bar stool with a drink in his hand.


Ob my god.

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