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We were invited to dinner at Nevaeh's parent's place in the evening at around seven

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We were invited to dinner at Nevaeh's parent's place in the evening at around seven. Kiara and Vaeh cooked while Jaxon, Ryan and I set the table and then went out to talk with some beer and good conversations.

After dinner we once again settled on the lounge furniture outside in their garden, feeling more than comfortable. Nevaeh was cuddled into my side as she listens to us talking. She's always pretty quiet when we talk like this.

I once asked her why she did that and she told me that she didn't want to miss a single word her family was saying. She said she would want to remember everything what sounded really much like her.

And I feel the same. God, those people are my family. I have developed a pretty strong bond with Kiara, Ryan and Jaxon. But especially Ryan.

The man has some great humor and loves his family. That's all I've ever wanted from my fucking father but he couldn't do that.

Spending time with those people around me made me forget about the man for some time.

Made me forget the face I saw when he told me that leaving me and my brothers would have been the hardest thing for him to do.

I am usually trying to be the good guy. Because of my job and for many other reasons. But I never wanted to kill someone that bad that I did this man.

I am sure he thought I wasn't serious when I told him about killing him. But if it wasn't for the people around us and the fact that it would happen on his daughters- my sister's wedding was the thing that held me back.

John Carter is not my father. So the man doesn't deserve to have a role in my life because he chose to not have us in his life. I can do the same. Not to choose him.

I wrap my arms even tighter around my girlfriend and immediately push the thoughts of the man into the back of my mind and listen to what they have to say, occasionally telling them about my opinion on this or that.

Hours passed. I am sure it's already past midnight and we still are outside. Kiara replaced the big light outside with some candles because her and Vaeh insisted on them. They said it would be even cozier.

Sounds fucking cheesy but I am cozy wherever my girls are. (I would never say that out loud though)

After some more minutes my phone started ringing. I looked at the callers ID and saw that it was a colleague of us. I declined the call and pushed the phone away when it started ringing again. "Don't you want to take this?" Nevaeh asks me.

I just shake my head and pull her closer to me. "Maybe it's important, Nate." I ignored her and just placed a kiss on the crown of her head. Then, when the phone rang for the third time, Vaeh pushed me away gently. "Go get it," she demands and pushes my phone in my hand.

I get up and walk into the house, closing the sliding door shut behind me as I pick up. "What?" I bark into the phone as I wait for an answer from my colleague Jack. "Hey. I need you to fly back to the city by tomorrow. There has been an incident." Oh for fucks sake.

"What incident?" I ask as I move my hand through my hair. "There has been an investigation going on for some time. We found out that a ship with tons of cocaine and other stuff is sceduled to arrive tomorrow night. We were sure it was going to take longer for it to arrive but they must've changed their plans. We need more men to get all of the people involved in the trade," He explains the situation as my breathing becomes faster, more ragged.

"No. I haven't been at those kind of things in over a decade, Jack. So no. Go ask someone else for that," "Nate, this is not up for discussion. We need you there." I wanted to argue that I can't. God, I was looking forward to spending the week here.

Not to sit around and wait for a drug ship to arrive. Not knowing what kind of people are going to be there. My jaw clenches as I look out the door and see them laughing at something Jaxon said and my chest pinches at the thought of not being able to stay there.

"I'll see what I can do," was the last thing I said before I ended the call to get back outside.

Sitting in my old spot next to her, I pull her close to me once again and look at her. She already has me pinned with an asking look. "I have to fly back tomorrow. They need me there by tomorrow noon," I tell her.

Her expression immediately morphed into a sad one as she pouts. "No," she whines before she lets her head fall into my neck. "I am sorry, baby. I swear I will try to get the next flight back here as soon as I am done," I promised her with a kiss on the crown of her head.


The four of them joined me to the airport. They insisted on it.

Nevaeh said she would fly with me because she was so scared that the baby would come and I wouldn't be there. I assured her it wouldn't happen and if it would I would immediately fly back. I just hope that isn't the case and she's still cozy enough to wait a little longer with her arrival.

Nevaeh hugged me goodbye almost not letting me go but then in the end, she sadly did. Ryan was next as he hugged me, told me to take care and that he enjoyed the days with me.

Kiara wished me a safe flight, so did Jaxon. When I said bye to all of them I got into my plane and made my way back to New York.


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