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Readers age:16
'Are you sure this is going to work?' Your best friend Freya asked you.
'Positive. My mom knows your staying over tonight and then tomorrow I'll tell her we're going to go shopping. Then I'll get my tattoo done and you get you helix done.'
'Okay fine.' She sighed. 'I know how strict your mom is with tattoos and piercings.'

The next morning you set out to the tattoo parlour.
'Hi I'm here for my appointment.' You said.
'Yes okay you'll be in that room.'
She pointed to a door on the left. 'And you'll be in that one.'

As you entered the room she got you all ready. You felt the sharp pinch of the needle and started having second thoughts on the idea. However at the end the tattoo turned out really nice. As you exited the place you showed your friend the lion you got done on your arm.
'Wow it's so nice but how are you going to disguise it from your mom?'
'Like this.' You said while simply placing a jumper on.
'You'll overheat.' She said blankly.
'I'll live. Anyway where's your piercing?'
Freya tucked her hair behind her ear to reveal a little silver stud at the top of her ear.
'Wow it's so cute.' You gasped.
Once dropping Freya off home you walked into your house to find your mom preparing a drink. You hand immediately shot up to your other arm and began pulling to sleeve to hopefully cover the film around the tattoo.
'Hi sweetie.' She said as she turned around to face you. 'How was shopping?'
'It was good.' You said holding up an Urban Outfitters bag as you did a bit of shopping after the appointment.
'Are you not hot?' She asked looking confused.
'Nope fine.'

Later on the that day you were grabbing bits for lunch when your mom walked in just as your sleeve had fallen down.
You were in some deep shit.
You flushed red and looked at the floor.
'Don't you dare look at the floor when I'm talking to you!'
'Okay.' You said sarcastically. Ooops that just slipped out.
'Don't give me attitude young lady I'm not the one who just got a bloody lion tattooed on my arm.'
'Well I don't care what you think about it. I like it.' You screamed at her before running off to your room.

Later on your heard quiet footsteps approach at the door before pausing. A knock was then heard. Jennifer walked into your room. She sat on the bed as you turned away from her. She turned you back around and you looked her in the eye.

'Look I need to apologise for screaming at you the way I did but I was just so caught up and surprised with the fact that you went out and got a tattoo especially without telling me.'

Your mom looked so hurt when she said that. You just burst into tears and sobbed into her shirt.

'I'm sorry. You whispered. 'I guess I just got caught in the moment and made a stupid decision.'

'I won't be mad on one condition.'
You looked up at her with a confused look.
'Which is?'
'I get to name her.'

It's a bit of a weird one but oh well hope you enjoyed.

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