Skateboard accident

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Readers age:13It was a particularly hot day and it felt stuffy inside your house

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Readers age:13
It was a particularly hot day and it felt stuffy inside your house. You ran outside and to the back of the garden passing Jennifer who was sunbathing. You grabbed your skateboard and headed to the front gate. You had your hand on the lock when you suddenly heard
'Take a helmet.'
'But why I'll be careful.' You groaned.
'I don't care I want you to take one.' Jennifer snapped back.
You walked into the shed and picked up the very dusty helmet from the lack of use. You then walked out of the gate and before leaving hid it behind a bush. It was only visible from an angle where you had to be crouching and you would only be crouching at that angle if you were looking for it. You headed on your way out to a car park to practice a new trick you had wanted to try. You got there and placed your left foot on the skate board whilst pushing with your other foot. You then jumped up and simultaneously kicked the skateboard without realising. This caused you to land on your hands and then afterwards scraping your head.
You screamed from the immense pain of your bent back fingers. They were definitely broken. Your middle finger was bent right back and your ring finger was curled over the top of it. You pulled out your phone with your perfectly fine hand and called your mom.
'Hi you okay baby girl?' Jennifer answered.
'No.' You cried into the phone.
You heard your moms tone change from a calm, soft one to a serious one.
'Y/n what is it. Tell me now sweetie.'
'It's my fingers. I was on the skateboard and I accidentally kicked the skateboard while in the air and I landed on the floor with my fingers bent.' You cried.
'Where are you?'
You told her your location and she would be there in 10 minutes. You lay on the floor for that duration of time and thought about how angry your mom would be. Your mom arrived and immediately got you into the car and in the way to the hospital. When you arrived you got straight into a room.
'So what's the problem here?' The doctor asked.
Your mom was sat next to you with a comforting arm around your shoulders while your head lay on hers.
'I fell off my skateboard and landed on my hand.'
'Okay.' Examined the doctor. 'This will need a little cast.'
She gently held your two broken fingers and wrapped some plasters and a bandage around them both and explained that it should heal in a matter of weeks. Once you and Jennifer arrived home she lay a blanket over top of you both. You snuggled into her as she kissed your head but before falling asleep you noticed your helmet sitting on the coffee table.

Thank you for your request.
I also don't ride a skateboard and have never broken a bone so I tried my best. I hope you enjoyed.

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