in trouble at school

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Reader age: 15/16

It was Monday morning and you were not at all ready for school. The clock next to your bed glared 10:00am. You were already late but you had no idea as you were asleep.

The door swung open in dream and in your conscience.

'WHAT THE FUCK!' Jennifer screamed as she walked in.

You whole body jolted awake and you sat up very straight in your bed as your blurry vision adjusted to your surroundings.

'I thought you had left nearly 3 hours ago!' Your mom screeched glancing at the time.

'Oh calm down. I'll go in tomorrow there's no point now.'

To be honest you weren't a big fan of school. You hated most subjects (and the teachers for that matter).

'Excuse me?' Your mom sounded shocked.

'What? You think I meant to oversleep?'

According to your mom your tone was very sarcastic and rude. She grabbed you by your arm knocking your phone on the floor and stood you in the bathroom and chucked your school clothes at you.

At 11:30am you were ready. You walked to school and arrived 30 mins later than you were meant to as you took the long way round.

However you werent at school for as long as you were expected to be.


That was a voice you knew too well. You were walking in the corridor with your bestfriend y/b/f's name when your enemy Rylee appeared behind you.

'Look who decided to show up.'

'What's that supposed to mean.'

'Oh nothing.' She giggled to her friends

She shoved you against the lockers behind you as your handbag slid off your shoulder and into the middle of the floor.

Rylee's friends picked it up and tipped it all over the floor.

You shoved Rylee off you and tried to pick up your stuff but she grabbed your shirt from behind and pulled you back onto the floor.

The fight between you two lasted for about 10 minutes and y/b/f tried to split you up but in the end gave up.

You heard two pairs of heels coming around the corner and speed up when they saw you.

They pulled you off each other and the woman who had you pulled you into a hug as you cried and shouted at Rylee.

You were taken to the principals office and your mom was called to pick you up.

Her helps were now clicking down the corridor. She came in and your eyes shot to the floor. As she talked to the principal for a bit you examined the floorboards and watched the dust on the floor float about. She left the room for a few minutes leaving you with an awkward silence and a principal who won't stop glaring at you. She came back in minutes later and drooped you handbag by your chair.

'Right we're leaving right now!' Rang Jens now stern voice.

When you got home you trued to explain what happened as she looked pissed.

'Mom I just want to say.'

'I don't care what lies 6ou have for me this time.'

'But there-there n-not lies.' You trailed off whilst tears brimmed in your eyes.

'I want you upstairs and I want your phone in my hand now.'

You were so angry with your mom right now you ran up the stairs and locked your door.

'I swear if that damn phone is not on my table in 5 minutes you're in so much shit.' Your moms shouts echoed around the house.

You didn't care. You fell asleep and when you woke up it was around midnight.

Three soft knocks sounded on the opposing side of your door.

'Babe are you awake?' Jen said.

You kept your lips pursed on the verge of answering.

She realised that you had unlocked your door recently and slowly pushed it open. It creaked slightly.

You felt a warm body climbing in beside you.

'Mama i-im sorry.' You breathed out holding back tears.

'Honey it's okay. You don't need to explain yourself.' I know you would have a good reason to get in a physical fight.'

'I love you mama.' You said as you snuggled into her chest.

'I love you too.' She replied.

My heart. This is cute.

Hope you liked it!

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