Movie night

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Reader age: 13-16

It was winter break. You got home from school and set your things down. You pushed your back against the closed door and slid down it before releasing a hitched breath. You were done with school for Christmas.

You walked around the house to fi d your mom. You looked out the window and saw she was having a chat with your neighbour. This was the perfect time. You grabbed a snack and sat on the sofa and turned on F.R.I.E.N.D.S Your mom hated you watching it because she didn't like seeing herself on TV.

You watched an episode before you heard a key turning in the lock you quickly switched to Outer Banks before she entered.

'Oh hi babe how long have you been home?' She asked.

'I got back half an hour ago.' I replied.

'So what do you want to do tonight seeing ad you don't have school for a bit.' Jennifer said making her way to the kitchen to make a snack.

'Umm movie night?'

'As long as its not one of my movies I'm down.' She laughed.

'I promise it won't be.'

***Later on***

It was now 9pm and your mom had made popcorn. You came down wearing a fluffy Christmas pj set. Your mom was wearing sweats.

You sat on the sofa whilst she bought some snacks over. She shuffled up to you with a blanket a placed it over the top of you both. You snuggled up to her and held her arm. She wrapped the other across your body and pulled you closer. She switched on HOME ALONE.

After the movie had finished you were both asleep. You were laying next to jennifer while her arm was resting on your back.

Its not the best but I'll do a better one soon. Still hope you enjoyed this one.

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