Starting school

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Readers age: 5
It was 8:00am and your first day at school was starting in an hour. Jennifer approached your room and walked in. She walked over to your bed and sat on the edge. She smoothed your hair down where it was sticking up from you sleeping.

'Baby!' She whispered in your ear. 'Time to get up.'
'No mom.' You said as you turned over.
She began to tickle you as bursts of laughter escaped your mouth.
When she eventually got you out of bed she picked out a cute outfit for school.

'What do you think of this baby?' She asked holding a pair of dungarees and a bright pink top.

'Yes!' You said throwing your arms up in the air.

Once you were dressed Jennifer picked you up and placed you on her shoulders. She placed two waffles in the toaster and began to scroll on her phone. You were sat on the counter swinging your legs waiting for the toaster to pop your waffles out of it. You got bored and walked along the counter over to your mom. You thrust your tiny arms around her neck and laid you head on her shoulder as she stroked your hair.
Once the waffles had popped out your mom served them to you on a plate and you quickly ate them. She then told you to go brush your teeth as she cleaned the kitchen.

'Mom I'm done.' You said running back with toothpaste running down your chin.
Jennifer laughed at your appearance as she cleaned it with a baby wipe.
Last thing to was do hair. She plaited your hair and left two front pieces out. Once she was done she gave you kiss on the end of your nose.
Jennifer checked the time and told you needed to leave now. She asked you to put your shoes on. Soon after you were walking along the street holding your moms hand. As you got closer your mom realised your bouncy energy had dropped completely fear was plastered over your face and had consumed your whole energy.
'Mom I don't want to be here. I want to go home.' You whined as she waited to drop you off.
She crouched down to your level and held your little hand in hers.
'You'll be fine sweetie. You'll make loads of new friends and have such a fun time. I love you and I'll see you later.'
You began to feel excited again and ran into school shouted 'bye' to your mom on the way.

Another chapter for you hope you enjoy!

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