Sneaking out

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Reader age: 15/16
You were lying on your bed just going on your phone. It was around 11pm and you knew your mom was going to be going to bed soon. Around 20 minutes later you heard the familiar footsteps which were your moms. Your bedroom door swung open and your mom came in.

'Good night my love.' Jennifer said to you.
'Night mom I love you.'
She perched on the end of you bed and stroked your hair.
'I love you too.'
She then leaned in to give you a hug.

Once she left your phone buzzed and you opened the message. It read
I'm outside

It was your boyfriend (or girlfriend if you'd prefer) Well your non-existent boyfriend according to your mom as you hadn't told her yet. He was a little bit older so you decided not to tell her.

You put on a short black dress and pushed the window at the back of your room and climbed out of it.
You slid down the slanted roof and onto the grass in front of your boyfriends car.

'Hi babe.' He said to you giving you a kiss on your cheek.

You pulled up outside a little area decorated in fairy lights with a table and two chairs 20 minutes later.

'I love it.' You said to him whilst hugging him.

You spent around 2 hours talking before he dropped you home.

'See you soon.' He said. 'I love you.'
'I love you too.'

You decided to go inside the house using the front door as your mom was definitely asleep or so you thought.

You opened the front door and was met with the face of an angry Jennifer.

'Shit.' You whispered.
'Yeah shit.' Jennifer repeated. 'Get inside.'
'Mom I can-'
'I don't care. Just go upstairs.'

You went upstairs and just fell straight asleep.

You woke up and the time read 9am. You heard the TV on downstairs so your mom was awake.

You reached the bottom of the stairs and stood there for a second staring at the back of your moms head.

'Mom.' You cautiously said.
You watched her hand move over to the remote and pause the TV.
She focused her gaze on you.
'Uhm..' you started as you played with your fingers and flushed red. 'I'm really sorry I feel bad about what I did and I'm so so sorry.'

She looked at you and outstretched her arms you embraced her in a hug.

That in itself was the apology your mom needed.

Hope you enjoyed its not the best but oh well.

Sorry I've been inactive for a while I got a new phone and needed to set it up.

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