𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟒.

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" Fuck. Right there."

" That feel good?" Stefano mused from the floor.

Sitting up on my forearms, I peered down at him as he massaged my sprained ankle. " So good. But not good enough to take away from the fact that I want to kill that pig faced bitch for stepping on me with her fucking horse hooves."

Yesterday, Nina and her two left feet fucked everything up. During rehearsal for a dance routine we'd been using since our freshman year, she 'accidentally' stepped on my foot, causing me to fall and roll my ankle.

" That's an interesting mix of breeds," Stefano snorted just as a fist pounded softly in his bedroom door.

Sebastian poked his head in," how's the foot?"

" Ready to be shoved so far up Nina's ass that projectile shit comes out of her mouth." She spewed verbal shit left and right everyday. It would be a dream come true to watch her choke on her actual shit.

One way or another, I was going to make that happen.

Stefano stood up, letting his father take his place on the ground and gently touched certain points of my ankle. "Does this hurt?" He gently applied pressure to my ankle.

I held back a wince," No."

Sebastian eyes me warily. He diverted to twisting it slightly to which my act broke and I winced at the sharp array of pain that shot throughout my foot.

" Want to change that answer?" Sebastian arched his brow.

Huffing, I crossed my arms and leaned back into Stefano's gaming chair. " Do I have a choice?"

Both Sebastian and Stefano shook their heads, making the vision of me beating Nina's ass for the stunt she pulled today all the more gorge in my mind.

Not only was she choking on her shit, but now she was getting her head bashed into a break wall, her nose broken beyond repair.

" Sorry sweetheart, but it looks like you'll be missing a few games." I never missed a game. Not even when I had a one hundred and nine degree flu, I still got my ass out on the delis and performed.

" No. Not an option," I protested immediately. " Can't I just take a cortisone shot on game days? I promise I'll stay off it as much as I can but I'm captain, that team will go straight to shit without my guidance."

My foot wasn't in a drastic amount of pain where a cortisone shot was out of the question.

Reading the hesitance on his face, I fixed mine into one of boredom. " It's either the cortisone shot or I go out and perform anyway. Your choice doc."

Sebastian fixed his gaze on his son, shaking his head in silent laughter. "Ti riempirai le mani con questo."

— You're going to have your hands filled with this one.

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