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Maverick Grey

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Maverick Grey

Knocking on the door of her house, I wait patiently for it to open. Rocking on my heels I blow out a nervous breath.

This was our first date and I planned on making it the best first date ever.

Winning all of the prizes for her, buying her as much cotton candy as she wants even though it's horrible for your teeth, and kissing her on top of the Ferris wheel just like she asked.

Everything was going to go perfectly.

The door flies open and standing behind it is Antonio and Andras. Both standing with their arms crossed, Antonio with an intimidating expression and Andras trying his hardest to imitate it.

'' Hello Antonio, Andras.'' I greet, it comes out more like a question than a greeting as I studied their demeanors.

'' Maverick, come on in.'' Antonio says, moving to the side while eyeing me as if he hadn't seen me running around in diapers before.

I made my way inside, balling up my fist and extending it towards Andras. He turns towards Antonio, seeing if it was okay to accept the fist bump or not.

Antonio simply stares down at his son, arching his brow and subtly shaking his head.

Andras turns towards me with a stern look, eyeing the fist bump as if I was some stranger on the side of the street and not his best friend in the whole universe.

I felt betrayed at the treatment that I was receiving today.

'' You two stop it right now.'' Abby hissed, coming down the staircase with Aliz hot on her heels.

'' Maverick is not some stranger coming to pick your daughter up and taking her out on a date. He's family so treat him as such.'' She shakes her head in disappointment at the two men in her life before approaching me, a smile now gracing her face as she wraps an arm around my neck.

Aliz then approaches me, batting her lashes as she extends her arms for a hug. Crouching down with open arms, she runs into my body and engages into a bear hug.

'' You know it's not too late to change your mind and take me instead.'' She whispers into my ear.

Apparently it wasn't as quiet as she thought because her older sister wasn't too keen to hear it.

''You trying to steal my date?'' Violeta made her presence known, Aliz freezing in my hold as I struggled to keep in my laughter.

Aliz slowly turned around and stared up at Violeta. '' Of course not,'' she smiles.'' Just reminding him that he still has his options open.''

Violeta's mouth drops open, scoffing softly before walking over to me, mushing her sister in the face forcing her to take two steps back. Aliz stammers in disbelief at Violeta's actions.

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