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Marcella De' Luca

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Marcella De' Luca

" Marcella!" I hear my name being called as I head to the girls bathroom.

Turning on my heels I see Astrid waving as she walks down the hall." Hey Astrid." I wait for her by the bathroom door as she approaches it.

" What's up?" I ask, opening the bathroom door and holding it open as she squeezes in behind me.

" Oh you know, I just needed to release the pee pushing on my damn bladder before I piss myself." She replies as we head into the separate stalls.

I chuckled, not expecting that response from her. But with Astrid Banks you never know what will come out of her mouth.

" I meant what's up with your life, Astrid." I placed a seat protector on top of the toilet seat before unzipping my jeans.

Astrid hums as the sound of her peeing echoes throughout the bathroom." Well the charity ball is next week and my house is fucking chaos. Why we have to have it there is beyond me. Like why would you want tons of people that you barely know running rampant around your house."

" I would understand if it was just a few guests but basically all of New York's snobbiest and bitchiest socialites will be there. My father doesn't even like half of them but I guess being the Governor trumps petty feelings, and it is for a good cause. Although I'd rather the people attending to actually want to contribute for the cause and not show off how much money they have. It all just seems so fake to me."

'' And don't even get me started on their off-spring being invited.'' And by that she means the majority of our school.

Astrid inhales a breath after finishing her rant." What about you?" She asked. " Anything interesting happening in your life lately?"

You know the usual.

Going to Mexico for my first mafia ball.

Having the most heated and lust filled stare off with an heir to a possible ally or threat depending on the way the chips fell.

Just the usual for your average sixteen years old girl.

" Life's been pretty good lately." I instead reply as I stand up, pull up my jeans, and flush the toilet. " Nothing that interesting going on right now. Are you guys going to the fall fair?" I changed the topic just in case she asked why we took a week off from school.

We both exit the bathroom stall and head towards the sinks. " Of course. We would never miss that." She smiles as we both reach for the same soap dispenser.

Her eyes flash over to me as I laugh softly, dropping my hand and letting her pump soap into her palm before repeating her actions.

" Are you going?" She asked, eyeing me through the mirror as we placed our hands under the water sensored faucets.

The Next Generation | 18+Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu