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Monet Dubois

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Monet Dubois

This was a mess.

A hot ass mess.

Pressing pause on the speaker, I stood up with my palms on my hips and sighed. " This is horrible. Nina, your timing is horribly off— fix it. Camille, what the fuck was that? And Mya it's clasp, high v, and then clap. Not clap, high v, clasp."

I swear half of these bimboos didn't know their left from their fucking right.

How was it that freshmen knew choreography better than half of the seniors? It just baffles me how idiotic they are sometimes.

Scratch that— the majority of the time.

The cause of my migraines are either from dealing with this everyday or fucking Harrison. And I was so close to finally ending things with him, yet every time I get the chance he miraculously has something popping up.

At this rate it was looking like he was going to get dumped via text message.

I'm sure he would hate to have everyone finding out that he was dumped, let alone dumped from a message on top of that.

At this rate he was playing games and Stefano was getting impatient. I hadn't heard from him since the night of the party damn near two weeks ago. And when we returned to school the following Monday, he was whisked away for his annual family vacation.

That did give me an extra week to break up with Harrison but the fucker kept dodging my calls and blowing me off.

No doubt getting his dick sucked by one of these trifling dimwits on the team.

I didn't necessarily care— he could make a fool out of all of them when I was done with him. Let them suffer with what I had to deal with the majority of high school.

" Ten minute break. When we get back I want it done full out, sharp, and clean. Got that!" I waved them off, not bothering to hear a response as I took a seat next to Karter who was stretching.

" You look like you need an advil." She joked, sliding into her splits as I took a sip of my water.

" Maybe a xanax would be better." I snorted, feeling the sun beat down on us as the boys finished up their practice for today. I scanned the field searching for Harrison, there was no way he would be avoiding me today.

I was going to get it done and over with.

I was going to rip off the tacky ass band aid once and for all.

" I mean, what does he even see in her?" I heard Camillie's nasally voice as she chases after Nina like a lost fucking puppy dog. " She can't even fucking see for fucks sake."

Karter immediately sat up, throwing daggers towards Camille. " I know the bitch with two left feet isn't fucking talking."

Here we go.

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