36 • Rest

790 49 17

Jungkook learned a lot of things after graduation, but one thing that stuck out tbe most would probably be the reality of the world not giving a single flying fuck if you were having a bad day.

If it wanted to give you shit, you had no choice but to suck it up and keep going. He's learnt that the hard way, and others mostly through mistakes he's made during his first months in the company. Now don't get him wrong, Jungkook had been an ace at absolutely everything beforehand.

His trainings always went by like a breeze but nothing makes it up for experiencing it first hand. He knows this because he'd been cursed at multiple times the first week he was actually practicing for being out of it.

So Jungkook was stressed, yes. Not that he had much to do about it but be better.

As time eventually passed, so did the fear of things being messed up. Jungkook learned to go through his days, formulating plans and set-up's which helped him become a better work figure in the company. Three months ago, he'd be eating himself alive. Today, he's doing his best at work and the company could never ask for anyone better than him. Jungkook knows this.

Yet still, some things aren't always perfect. There are bad days, those which are more straining and mentally draining. Days which give set backs to plans and already established deals. When things are thrown off of their orbit, and perfect isn't achieved.

Jungkook hated days like these.

"Should we push through with the contract, dad?" the raven haired sighed out, pressing a hand on his forehead as he looked through all the proposals sprawled on his table which had atleast two promising results; the rest of them were trash. "I gave them a week to formulate a proper exhibit yet none of these--"

«We can look for another company with better offerings in terms of results, bun.» His father comforted from the other end of the line. «Don't mind those members who disagreed, have them fired. They're not very helpful at all.»

Jungkook's shoulders sag in defeat. "It's just so stupid. It feels like my first day again because this deal should have been crossed off a week ago, dad! A week-"

«Jungkook, bun. You are doing your best, this won't be a loss for the numbers. Don't worry about it, if it fails then we can easily replace it.» Jiyong reassured, his voice as calming as ever. «You're doing fine, son. Your office even has a coffee brewer, I spilled it on my pants once when I went there.»

Jungkook snorts at that, his lips twitching upward at the memory of him and Jimin too. "I guess we have one thing in common."

«Spilling coffee? True.» his father chuckled out, the line rustling. «Really though. Take five, bun. Go back home and rest with Jimin, it's already late anyway. Don't overwork and try again tomorrow. I'm sure you'll have a breakthrough once you've unwinded.»

"Okay." Jungkook mumbled, glancing up at the wall clock and realizing it had been half past seven already. His disappointment seeps in even deeper, knowing that he couldn't even come home to have dinner with his boyfriend. "Okay, thank you dad."

«Drive safe, son. Love you.»

"Love you too."

Jungkook watches the line go dead, his screen flashing read before he releases another sigh and grabs his bag. Albeit freling overly drained, he atleast had something to hope for when he gets home.


Their apartment was silent, and though Jungkook liked the silence it felt quite empty without the noise.

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