21 • Rekindled

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"He's avoiding me." Jimin huffed out, slamming his bag on the lunch table and making his best friend jump up at the impact.

"Jimin!" Seokjin yelled in distress, his drink almost flinging off the table. He then glares at the blond who finds a seat on the chair in front of him.

"He's avoiding me!" the blond exclaimed exasperatedly, raising both of his arms in the air and slapping them both on the hardwood table. "Why the fuck is he avoiding me?!"

"Who's avoiding who?" Hoseok chimed in, placing his lunch tray on the table and turning to his brother who had his cheeks puffed and his arms folded.

Jimin's skin was flushed in frustration, extending down to his neck with straining effort. "Jeon Jungkook!" he snarled out, snatching away the apple on his brother's tray and biting on it in spite.

"Maybe he's just busy?" Hoseok supplied helpfully, poking his straw on his juice box and giving the blond a side glance.

"Too busy to even send his boyfriend sporadic updates? Too busy to not send me a single message for the past two days? I think the fuck not." Jimin scowled, taking another bite and groaning. "Even the Ace's-- those assholes! They won't even look me in the eye anywhere in the halls, Do I look like I'm infected with some rabid virus or something?"

"You can confront him." Jin says through a mouthful of mashed potato, "I mean, you know where their HQ is you know."

"That's the thing, on my vacant periods they're nowhere to be found." the blond explained, tapping his fingers on the table impatiently and turning to his brother.

"Even Taehyung!" Jimin gasped out, "Kim Taehyung! He's been ignoring me! How dare he! Has he not messaged you at all, hyungie?"

"He still does. Both him and Yoongi." Hoseok hummed out, sipping on his juice and dodging the apple Jimin throws on his tray angrily.

"How fucking dare they!" Jimin yelled, "I'm about to throw a fit! Watch me!"

"Oh no." Jin says, standing up to catch the blond by the waist to stop him from doing anything rash. Jimin trashes in his hold, his glare straight on the unsuspecting figure of Bambam in front of the vending machine near the exit of the cafeteria. "No, you don't --"

"Let me at him!" Jimin screamed, catching the attention of a few students huddled in the cafeteria. "Come here you little bitch!"

"Jimin-ah, you're going to hurt yourself." Seokjin warned, pulling his bestfriend back and watching him stumble back on his seat with his lips turned down.

"Assholes." Jimin grumbled, pulling his sleeves up and looking through his bag angrily for his Literature book. "I'm going to ignore you guys too, then. Do whatever you want!"

"He's talking to himself." Hoseok says, gesturing to his brother. Seokjin laughs with the tangerine haired, the two of them bickering about how Jimin must have gone crazy with his love.

"He's a douchebag." the blond mumbled with a pout, resting his head on his arms and stomping his feet on the floor. "I miss him."

"If you're that way I think he'd be no better." Jin interjected with a gentle smile, "I'm sure he misses you too, Minie. He's probably caught up with something, best you can do it wait."

"Yeah." Jimin says with a sigh, staring at his black phone which he placed on the table. It hadn't lit up for almost three days, no new notifications at all. "It doesn't matter much I guess, I'll be busy with work and review anyway."

"Hey." Hoseok called out, sensing the shift in tone of his brother. "Don't worry to much."

"Yeah." Jimin mumbled, picking his phone up and turning it off completely. He pockets the device and hooks his bag over his shoulder, standing up from the lunch table and smiling tightly at his friends. "I'm going to go to the library to study."

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