35 • Graduation

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“Baby-” Jungkook called out from their room, fumbling with his necktie and letting out a frustrated sigh when it scrunches up weirdly. “-Can you fix my tie for me?”

“Gimme it!” Jimin screamed, popping out from their main bathroom with his hair parted perfectly in the middle and his face brushed lightly with make up that accentuated his features even more.

“You haven't changed yet?!” the raven haired scolded, his hands being slapped away from holding his tie as Jimin's fingers skillfully undoes it and ties it back up almost perfectly.

“I was doing my hair!” Jimin defended, smoothing the creases out of Jungkook's undershirt and stepping back to admire his boyfriend. “There, you look amazing!”

“I'm just graduating.” Jungkook says shyly, poking Jimin's cheek with a cheeky grin. “You're graduating as class valedictorian with a fucking speech!”

“I'm graduating with the intent to marry the hell out of the douchebag who spilled his coffee on me the first day we met.” Jimin giggled out, taking his shirt off and swapping it with the white undershirt on their bed.

Jungkook moves to help him with his upper coat and then proceeds to trap his boyfriend in a tight hug. “Are you sure you can't tell me about your speech? I atleast want to hear you practicing it once."

“Hm? No can do, mister.” Jimin replied, landing a quick peck on Jungkook's chin and moving to their vanity mirror to put on his jewelry. “You're going to have to wait for the actual ceremony to hear it.”

Jungkook licks his lips and decides it'd be best to speak his mind before they leave for the Campus. Now, he's not usually the nervous type but he thinks today is different.

The current day just had something to it that Jungkook can't quite describe, but the closest would be feeling like going through the day seemed like such a hard pill to swallow. 

Perhaps maybe because you are about to surpass a huge chapter in your life and step into the depths of the cruel and unforgiving world.

Jimin seems to notice the taller's shift in mood, immediately turning to his boyfriend with a concerned gaze as he finds a seat beside the raven haired on their shared bed. Jungkook's throat goes dry at the attention, his adam's apple bobbing up and down nervously. 

Fuck. Get it together, Jeon.

“Hey.” Jimin called out, reaching over to grab Jungkook's clammy hands and thumbing the back of it gently. “What's going through that pretty little mind of yours, baby?”

Jungkook exhales shakily, intertwining their fingers together sinde he didn't trust himself to respond. He just stares silently at the way their rings match brightly alongside each other, he hoped that was enough to calm him but even that didn't seem to work.

“Fuck.” is the only coherent word he seemed to be able to say. Great job, Jeon. “Is it too cliche to say I'm scared?”

“Scared.” Jimin parroted, evaluating the answer by staring at Jungkook's hesitant eyes.

The taller had not really been quite expressive about his problems, proven fact that he tried to hide issues of the gang from Jimin and go as far as not even bringing up his thoughts about quitting the gang. What Jungkook was expressing now, although it's taking a lot from him is finally a way of speaking out what he truly felt.

Jimin feels a sense of fulfillment bubble underneath his clothing, happy that his boyfriend is slowly pushing out of his shell. 

“I think I'm much more of a pussy than you are.” the blond teased, Jungkook's lips twitching upward at the joke as he stops himself from laughing. “Awe, look at that smile! Lemme see it, waaah! I have such a handsome boyfriend!”

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