27 • Hawaii

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"Jeon Jungkook!" Jimin yelled out in accusation, slapping his boyfriend's arm and scowling when the taller starts laughing melodically.

"What!" Jungkook snickered, dodging another hit as he loads the silver-haired's luggage on the inspecting trolley. "I'm just saying! We could go skinny dipping when they're all asleep!"

"Shut up!" Jimin hissed, "You're too loud, Oh my goodness. Everyone's gonna think you're a horny bastard."

"I am a horny bastard." the raven haired defended out loud, rolling his eyes at the weird look the person in front of him gives him. "Fine. I'll quiet down." he huffed, placing their luggage back down on the floor and rolling it towards boarding admissions.

"Did you bring your camera?" Jimin demanded, folding his arms and raising his brow at Jungkook as he signed the paper works near the booth.

"Yeah, In my bag." the taller mumbled distractedly, signing his name on the last piece of paper and nodding when the person behind the counter asks if they'll be placing their luggage over at storage.

"Make sure you didn't forget anything." the silver-haired warned, glancing at his wrist watch and looking around the airport. "Are they all here already?"

"We're the last ones to arrive." Jungkook explained, grabbing his boyfriend's hand and intertwining their fingers together. "I wonder who's fault that is?"

"Yours, douchebag." Jimin huffed, glaring at the raven haired as the taller looks at him latter on the top of his glasses whilst sporting a knowing grin. "You didn't want me to leave your bed!"

"I'm not defending myself. I really just didn't want you to leave bed." Jungkook responded nonchalantly, tugging Jimin to the direction of his gangmates which he distinguishes by the other's brightly colored hair. "They're over there, c'mon."

"Good morning, Lovebirds." Seokjin teased, hugging Jimin in greeting alongside Hoseok who had looked like he was in a great mood.

"Good day, today?" Jungkook asked his gang mates, raising his brow and taking his shades off to hook them on his white shirt. "What's with that smile, Taehyung?"

"They asked Hoseok out." Namjoon says, snickering when Yoongi let's out a groan of embarrassment at the announcement of their relationship. "I'm guessing he said yes."

"He did." Hoseok chuckled out, greeting Jungkook with a curt nod from his and Jimin's hug. "Good morning, Gguk."

"A pleasant one, hyung." Jungkook says with a smile of his own, shoving his hands in his pocket and walking towards an empty chair in the Airport's VIP section. He is easily distracted by the conversation the Ace's were having about their favorite cars.

"I'm sleepy, I think I need coffee." Jimin says out of nowhere, turning around to look for a station where they could buy one.

"I may need one too." Taehyung butts in, linking his arm with the silver-haired who squints at him weirdly. "Let's go together!"

"Huh. You don't drink coffee." the silver-haired replied, looking at the brunet weirdly as Taehyung splutters out an excuse.

"What he means to say is he's going to buy coffee for Hobi." Seokjin teased, linking his other arm with Jimin's as the three of them walk towards a station from the far left of the Airport. "Could have been easier than lying to Jiminie."

"I'm shy." Taehyung wailed out, slouching on Jimin's shoulder and whining. "Mimi, your bestfriend's fighting me!"

"Weirdos." Jimin snickered, halting his steps in front of the small open area coffee shop and scanning his eyes over the menu on display. "I might just get two Americano's"

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