25 • Volleyball

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"Jimin!" Seokjin heaved out, grabbing his knees and trying to steady his breath as he stopped directly infront of the silver-haired's locker

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"Jimin!" Seokjin heaved out, grabbing his knees and trying to steady his breath as he stopped directly infront of the silver-haired's locker. "Oh my God, Silver, wait purple--Silver? What the hell is that color?!"

"Hello to you too, Jin-hyungie." Jimin laughed out, closing his locker and adjusting his grip on the box of cupcakes he was holding. "D'you like it? It's silver, I guess the lights make it look purple."

"It looks so good on you but that's not what I'm here to ask for. I heard about what happened two days ago, are you alright?" his best friend expressed worriedly, glancing at the box on Jimin's hands and raising a brow. "Also, are those cupcakes? What's up with those?"

"I'm totally fine, hyung. Oh, and these cupcakes are for the Ace's." Jimin says brightly, "It should have an extra one by this dozen since there's only eleven of them. Want one?"

"Of course I'm not saying no." Seokjin giggled, plucking on frosted cupcake up and gasping in adoration. "Dude, these look too good to just be eaten. It'd be nice to display them instead."

"You're being over dramatic." Jimin snickered, closing the box up and looking around the hallway for any familiar face. "Where the heck are they anyway?"

"I'm not sure, I think most of them got out of their Physical Ed class." Jin says with a shrug, his nose frosted pink from biting into the cupcake. "This tastes so good by the way."

"So they're over at the gym?" the silver haired prompted, unable to spot a single Ace in the hallway when there was usually atleast one or two of them present.

"Probably." Seokjin mumbled with a non committal wave, "Anyway, I have to go to the Performance Arts theater for my acting class. I'll see you around!"

"See you around, film major!" Jimin teased, turning to the direction of the gym and skipping towards the main gates whilst humming a happy tune.

Before Jimin could even enter the gym, Taehyung emerges from the main entrance shiny with sweat and heaving. He spots the latter when he's filling back up his water jug by the water dispenser near the doors.

"Oh my God, Your hair!" Taehyung exclaimed in awe, glancing over at the heap of silver hair Jimin sported and then at the box he was holding. "Oh my God, cupcakes!"

"Have one." Jimin offered brightly, opening the box and pushing it forth for Taehyung to survey. "I made them for you guys."

"Someone took the first one." Taehyung snorted, pointing at an empty cupcake holder as he took the next one beside it. "I'll assume it's Jin-hyung."

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