23 • Reconditioned

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Trigger Warning:
Blood & Gore // Violence
Implied Sexual Assualt

"There wasn't anything near the right." Jackson reported, popping up infront of Jungkook and Taehyung following suit not long after beside him.

"Left side was clear too." the brunet says with a yawn, "Guess we're okay for tonight."

"Hm." Jungkook hummed out, cracking his neck and letting out a yawn himself. "I'll see you guys tomorrow?"

"You owe us breakfast." Yoongi grumbled, rubbing the juncture between his neck and his shoulder. "Off you go, Spade."

"Thank you." the raven haired says, verbalizing his gratitude with a timid smile. "I don't think I say this enough, but thank you."

Taehyung bumps his hip with the latter, a gentle smile plastered on his face. "Hey, half of the time we do this because we care for Jimin too. Not just because of the jazzy Spades' orders."

"Yeah." Namjoon sighed, "That little sassy blondie may be a handful for us but we're all like family to him too. I think all of us have a fair share of good memories from Miracle, he really lives up to his nickname."

"It's the Jimin effect." Bambam declared, clapping his two hands together. "He's the best figure in all our lives right now, with or without the gang I think we'd continue to be friends with him."

"I suppose he really is a Miracle." Jungkook commented with a light tone. "Anyway, go home before we all turn into saps."

"I miss the sex talks." Jackson grumbled, "but I'm dead tired today. Let's continue tomorrow over a cup of steaming macchiato."

"At Namjoon's place!" Mark added, laughing when the said man looks at them with a disappointed look on his face. "We won't trash it, Joonie!"

"You've said that all the other times you did and you still trashed my home." Namjoon complained, "You spilled vodka all over my carpet!"

"Please, You have like ten other homes." Taehyung teased, arm linked with Yoongi's as they started walking to where they had parked their bikes. "One trashed home can easily be cleaned."

"That's a waste of money and resources." Jungkook reprimanded, running a hand through his hair. "If you can save up on one thing and recondition the other to make things easier, then you should choose whichever serves practicality."

"That sounds like a thing your Dad would say." Taehyung snorted, he pauses when Jungkook doesn't respond and looks at him in surprise. "Wait, he actually said that?!"

"I've been invested in business lately." the raven haired says with a shrug, looking away from the brunet bashfully. "I still have a lot to learn but so far I've been enjoying everything I've seen so far from Dad's company."

"I'm about to cry." his best friend warned, wiping a fake tear at the edge of his eye. "I can't believe you're actually considering your future now."

"I have. Started, I mean, for awhile." Jungkook mumbled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as the Ace's let out enthusiatic 'ooh's in response to his statement.

He feels shy but proud of having to say that in front of them because they knew he came a long way, especially with their wondrous painted reactions. Jungkook used to hate talking about his future to much that he'd blow up on anyone who tried to ask him, even Taehyung.

Maybe he was just temperamental, but he blames it also because he was lost.

"I'm proud of you." Taehyung says with another bump to his best friend's shoulder. "You know I always am."

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